Source code for astrolyze.spectra.class_

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD Licencse
import math
import os
import string
import sys

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import pyclass

from astrolyze.maps.main import *
import astrolyze.maps.gildas

import astrolyze.functions.constants as const
from astrolyze.functions import astro_functions as astFunc
import astrolyze.functions.units

[docs]class ClassSpectra(Map): r""" Provides some usefull automated functions to work on Class Spectra in an convenient way. Examples -------- Extracting a spectra at a given position from a spectral cube can be done as follows >>> from astrolyze.spectra import * >>> >>> cube = ClassSpectra(filename) >>> coordinate = ['1:34:7.00', '+30:47:52.00'] >>> cube.get_spectra_from_cube(coordinate) Generates a 30m file with comment extract in the actual cube.prefix path. """ def __init__(self, map_name, nameConvention=True): r"""Initializes a Class Spectral File.""" astrolyze.maps.main.Map.__init__(self, map_name, nameConvention) print self.map_name self._init_file_to_greg() if self.dataFormat not in self.class_formats: print ('Exiting: Not a CLASS format (AFAIK). Supported' 'Formats Can be extended.') sys.exit() def _init_file_to_greg(self): r""" Initial setup, loading all the variables correponding to the cube. """ self.set_defaults() pyclass.comm('file in ' + self.map_name) pyclass.comm('find') pyclass.comm('get first') self._load_class_variables() self.dec_coordinate = self.ra_coordinate = self.vars.r.head.pos.lam.__sicdata__ # conversion to degrees self.ra_coordinate = self.ra_coordinate * const.r2d self.dec_coordinate = self.dec_coordinate * const.r2d self.central_coordinate_degrees = [self.ra_coordinate, self.dec_coordinate] self.central_coordinate_equatorial = astFunc.degrees_to_equatorial( self.central_coordinate_degrees) def _load_class_variables(self): r""" This function actually imports the Class variables. """ self.vars = pyclass.gdict
[docs] def set_defaults(self): r""" Reset all selection criteria. """ pyclass.comm('set def') pyclass.comm('clear') pyclass.comm('set plot hist') pyclass.comm('set form long') pyclass.comm('set angle sec')
[docs] def get_spectra_from_cube(self, coordinate, angle=0, prefix=None, accuracy=2, region=False): r""" Extracts one spectra at the position of coordinates from a spectral cube. Parameters ---------- coordinate: list Equatorial coordinates, e.g. ['1:34:7.00', '+30:47:52.00'] angle: float If the cube was rotated before the angle has to be specified to calculate the correct offset. prefix: string The new path where the averaged spectrum will be stored. accuracy: float The tolerance in arcsec to find a spectra corresponding to the given coordinate. region: True or False Returns either all spectra found ``True`` or only the first ``False``. Returns ------- 30m file With the first spectrum in the list of spectra within the accuracy range with the given coordinate. """ if prefix is None: _prefix = self.prefix if prefix is not None: _prefix = prefix offset = astFunc.calc_offset(self.central_coordinate_equatorial, coordinate, angle, output_unit='arcsec') self.set_defaults() print self.central_coordinate_equatorial print offset pyclass.comm('file in ' + self.map_name) pyclass.comm('set offset ' + str(offset[0]) + ' ' + str(offset[1])) while True: pyclass.comm('set match ' + str(accuracy)) pyclass.comm('find') try: pyclass.comm('get f') except KeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt except: print '###\nNothing found, raising tolerance by 1 arsec.\n###' accuracy = accuracy + 1 else: print ('###\nFound a spectra in a ' + str(accuracy) + ' arcsec ' 'radius.\n###') break if not region: print 'asdsa',_prefix return_name = self.returnName(prefix = _prefix, comments=['extract']) pyclass.comm('file out ' + return_name + ' single /overwrite') pyclass.comm('write') if region: return_name = self.returnName(prefix = _prefix, comments=['region']) pyclass.comm('file out ' + return_name + ' single /overwrite') pyclass.comm('find') pyclass.comm('copy') return ClassSpectra(return_name) # def set_selection(self, telescope=None, line=None, source=None): # r""" # Select subsets of the spectra in the input file. # """ # telescope = telescop
[docs] def get_region_from_cube(self, coordinate, angle=0, prefix=None, accuracy=10): r""" The same as :py:func:``get_spectra_from_cube`` but returns all spectra found inside a circular region arounf coordinate and in a radius of accuracy arcsec. ("set match "'accuracy') """ return self.get_spectra_from_cube(coordinate, angle=angle, prefix=prefix, accuracy=accuracy, region=True)
[docs] def get_average_spectrum(self, prefix=None): r""" Averages all spectra in a cube. Parameters ---------- prefix: string The new path where the averaged spectrum will be stored. Notes ----- So far no selection is made so the files of the input file have to be consistent. """ _prefix = prefix or self.prefix self.set_defaults() pyclass.comm('file in ' + self.map_name) pyclass.comm('find') pyclass.comm('get f') pyclass.comm('set no match') pyclass.comm('aver') return_name = self.returnName(prefix = _prefix, comments=['average']) pyclass.comm('file out ' + return_name + ' single /overwrite') pyclass.comm('write') return ClassSpectra(return_name)
[docs] def save_figure(self, name=None): r""" Helper function that saves the current plot. """ name = name or self.returnName(dataFormat='eps') pyclass.comm('ha ' + name + '/dev eps color')
[docs] def quick_view(self, number=1): r""" Helper Functions that displays the first spectrum of the loaded file. """ # TODO: make more usefull. pyclass.comm('file in ' + self.map_name) pyclass.comm('dev im w') pyclass.comm('find') pyclass.comm('get {}'.format(number)) pyclass.comm('pl')