Installation of astrolyze

astrolyze is only tested on Linux/Ubuntu so far.


Astrolyze is available via pypi, use:

sudo pip install astrolyze --user

to install the package.

When installed with the –user flag the package will be installed in:


The configuration files for astrolyze are installed in:


Further a script to configure the database for additional information is installed in:




astrolyze depends on the following python packages:


After installation of astrolyze via pip a list of these packages “requirements.txt” is copied to


The dependencies can be installed via pip:

pip install -r ~/.astrolyze/requirements.txt


Astrolyze does not work in python3 yet. Since the Gildas Python extension is not yet available for python 3!!


To be able to use GILDAS from within astrolyze it is enough to have a working GILDAS installation compiled with the python support. The actual GILDAS version and installation instructions can be found here:


Also Miriad just has to be installed and working. At the moment only the smooth function of miriad is used in astrolyze but it is worth installing it since it it a common task.

A package for Ubuntu 14.04 (works for 15.04 as well) can be found here:

and instructions for the installation of the package here:

Configuration of the (optional) Database

Astrolyze can store META Information for Sources, Lines and Calibration Uncertainties in a database. Based on the information deduced from the naming convention the additional information is loaded automatically when a map is opened.

astrolyze can read:

  • Additional informations of the source
  • Frequencies and wavelengths
  • Calibration error for specific telescopes

The database has to be populated after installation This is done via the three text files in the /home/USER/.astrolyze/cfg folder that contains:


#   Name    MorphType   Distance[pc]    VLSR[km/s]  RA           DEC            PA[degrees] Inclination[degrees]    R25[kpc] 
    M33     SA(s)cd     840e3           -179        01:33:51.02  +30:39:36.7    -22.5       56                      30.8
    NGC3627 SAB(s)b     9.1e6           727         11:20:15.027 +12:59:29.58   173         64                      9.1


# line_name frequency[GHz]
HCOP10      89.188523 
HCN10       88.6304156
12CO10      115.271204
13CO10      110.2013543
12CO21      230.542408
HI          1.427583133
HALPHA      457121.40


# telescope     species     cal_error   Reference
WISE            2.4MUM      0.15        guess
IRAC            3.6MUM      0.1         guess
IRAC            4.5MUM      0.1         guess
WISE            4.6MUM      0.15        guess
IRAC            5.8MUM      0.1         guess
IRAC            8MUM        0.1         guess
WISE            12MUM       0.15        guess
WISE            22MUM       0.15        guess
MIPS            24MUM       0.07        Spitzers Observers Manual v.8.0
MIPS            70MUM       0.07        Spitzers Observers Manual v.8.0
PACS            100MUM      0.2         Kramer et al. 2010
PACS            160MUM      0.2         Kramer et al. 2010
SPIRE           250MUM      0.15        Kramer et al. 2010
SPIRE           350MUM      0.15        Kramer et al. 2010
SPIRE           500MUM      0.15        Kramer et al. 2010
GISMO           2MM         0.15        guess

The Names of the source telescope and lines have to be exactly how they are used in the map names. However the writing can be an arbitrary mix of upper an lower case characters. Internally Astrolyze converts them to upper case before comparing.

To generate the database from these files you have to run the script:

> ~/.local/bin/

installed in .local/bin.