Source code for astrolyze.sed.sed

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD Licencse
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from generaltools import log_tools

import astrolyze.maps.main as main
import astrolyze.maps.fits as fits
import astrolyze.maps.gildas as gildas
import astrolyze.maps.miriad as miriad
import astrolyze.maps.stack as stack

import as mtools
import astrolyze.functions.astro_functions as astro_functions
import astrolyze.functions.constants as const

USER = os.getenv("USER")

[docs]class SedStack(stack.Stack): r""" Reads in the SEDs from the maps stored under the input folder at given coordinates and creates a stack of Sed objects. Parameters ---------- folder : str Input Folder data_format : str Filter on data format. Default `.fits` coordinates : list Coordinates where the SEDs should be extracted. full_map : bool If True temperature, mass and beta maps will be created by fitting the SEDs at every pixel. flux_acquisition : str `aperture` or `pixel` see explanation in :py:mod:`astrolyze.fits.FitsMap.flux_read` aperture : int Aperture to use for flux extraction if flux_acquisition == `aperture` annotation : bool If true a kvis annotation file is created with the positions where the SEDs, have been extracted. output_folder : str Where the data is stored. number_components : int Number of SED components to fit. mass_guess : list List with guesses for the initial dust mass. Has to have at least the same lenght as there are `number_components` temperature_guess : list List with guesses for the initial dust temperature. Has to have at least the same lenght as there are `number_components` beta_guess : list List with a guess for the beta value to be used has to be list with singel entry beta_guess=[2.]. """ def __init__(self, folder, data_format='.fits', coordinates=False, flux_acquisition='pixel', aperture=None, annotation=False, full_map=False, output_folder=None, number_components=2, mass_guess=None, temperature_guess=None, beta_guess=None): # Read in the stack from the input folder. stack.Stack.__init__(self, folder=folder, data_format=data_format) # Pass the input parameters to the variables self.flux_acquisition = flux_acquisition self.aperture = aperture self.number_components = number_components self.mass_guess = mass_guess self.temperature_guess = temperature_guess self.beta_guess = beta_guess if self.flux_acquisition == 'pixel': if max(self.resolutions) != min(self.resolutions): self.log.error('Maps do not have the same resolutions') sys.exit() self.annotation = annotation # check if the coordinates are given as if coordinates and full_map: self.log.error("coordinates and full_map are exclusive") raise AttributeError if not coordinates and full_map and output_folder: self.get_map_seds(output_folder) if coordinates and not full_map: if type(coordinates) is str: self.load_coordinates(coordinates) if type(coordinates) is list: self.coordinates = coordinates self.get_seds() def __str__(self): string = "SedStack({})\nContains:\n".format(self.folder) for map_ in self.stack: string += "{}\n".format(map_) return string def __repr__(self): string = "SedStack({})".format(self.folder) return string def __len__(self): return len(self.stack) def __getitem__(self, position): return self.stack[position] def __iter__(self): return (i for i in self.stack) def info(self): for sed in self.sed_stack:
[docs] def load_coordinates(self, input_file): r""" Loads the coordinated where the SEDs should be evaluated from either a file or a list. Both are not possible. Parameters ---------- filein : string Path to file that cotains the coordinates format has to be: source_name RA DEC RA, DEC has to be for epoch J2000 in Equatorial coordinates, see below for examples of the syntax. Returns ------- self.coordinates : list self.source_names : list Format:: [[source_name_1, RA_1, DEC_1] , ... , [source_name_N, RA_N, DEC_N]] Examples -------- The format of the coordinates given in the file must be in Equatorial: >>> equatorial_coordinates = ['02:23:21', '-02:23:21'] """ lines = open(input_file).readlines() self.coordinates = [] self.source_names = [] for line in lines: line_items = line.split() self.source_names += [line_items[0]] self.coordinates += [[line_items[1], line_items[2]]] if len(self.source_names) != len(self.coordinates): # source_names and coordinates have to be the same # length. # ADD RAISE Exception correctly raise ValueError("Something went wrong reding the cooridnates.") self.number_of_seds = len(self.coordinates)
[docs] def get_seds(self): r""" Creates a stack of SEDs from the stack of maps loaded from the input folder if particular coordinates are given. """ self.sed_stack = [] for x, coordinate in enumerate(self.coordinates): flux_array = [[], [], []] names = [] for maps in self.stack: if self.flux_acquisition == 'aperture': flux = maps.read_aperture(coordinate, apertureSize=self.aperture, annotation=self.annotation) flux_array[0] += [maps.frequency/1e9] flux_array[1] += [flux[0]] flux_array[2] += [flux[0] * maps.calibrationError] if self.flux_acquisition == 'pixel': flux = maps.read_flux(coordinate) flux_array[0] += [maps.frequency/1e9] flux_array[1] += [flux] flux_array[2] += [flux * maps.calibrationError] names += self.source_names[x] flux_array = np.asarray(flux_array) self.sed_stack += [Sed(self.source_names[x], coordinate, flux_array, self.number_components, mass_guess=self.mass_guess, temperature_guess=self.temperature_guess, beta_guess=self.beta_guess)]
[docs] def get_map_seds(self, output_folder): r""" This functions fits the SED at every pixel of the input maps. Parameters ---------- output_folder : string The path to the folder where the temperature, mass, beta and chisq maps are created. If the folder does not exist is will be created. Notes ----- Depending on the number of pixels in the input image this function may take a good while to finish. Examples -------- Note that the maps have to be exactly the same size for this function to work. This can be achieved with e.g.:: from astrolyze import * stack = Stack('some_input_folder') output_folder = 'some_output_folder' template = 'Path_to_a _template_map' stack = stack.unify_dimension(template, folder) """ def progress(x): out = '%1.1f %% Done.' % x # The output bs = '\b' * 1000 # The backspace print bs, print out, source_name = self.stack[0].source # Assure that the data array has only 2 dimensions. Sometimes there are # higher unused dimensions stores in the fits files. while len(self.stack[0].data) == 1: self.stack[0].data = self.stack[0].data[0] # Initialization of the arrays that store the fitted values at every # point of the maps. We make a copy of an original data array. self.temperature_maps = [] self.mass_maps = [] for i in range(self.number_components): self.temperature_maps += [self.stack[0].data.copy()] self.mass_maps += [self.stack[0].data.copy()] self.beta_map = self.stack[0].data.copy() self.chisq_map = self.stack[0].data.copy() # Now we walk over all pixels of the maps create the seds at every # point, fit it and write the results to the corresponding data_arrays. print 'Fitting the SEDs:' for i in range(len(self.stack[0].data)): percentage = 100./len(self.stack[0].data) * i progress(percentage) for j in range(len(self.stack[0].data[0])): flux_array = [[], [], []] for k, map_ in enumerate(self.stack): while len( == 1: =[0] flux_array[0] += [map_.frequency/1e9] flux_array[1] += [[i][j]] flux_array[2] += [[i][j] * map_.calibrationError] flux_array = np.asarray(flux_array) coordinate = [i, j] sed = Sed(source_name, coordinate, flux_array, self.number_components, init_fit=True, temperature_guess=self.temperature_guess, mass_guess=self.mass_guess, beta_guess=self.beta_guess) for x, temp in enumerate(sed.fit_temperatures): self.temperature_maps[x][i][j] = temp for x, mass in enumerate(sed.fit_masses): self.mass_maps[x][i][j] = mass self.beta_map[i][j] = sed.fit_beta[0] self.chisq_map[i][j] = sed.fit_chisq # Finally we create fits maps from the stored results and save them in # the given output folder. It the latter does not exist we create it. print 'Creating Maps ...' if output_folder is not None and '/' not in output_folder[-1]: output_folder = output_folder + '/' if not os.path.isdir(output_folder): os.system('mkdir ' + output_folder) header = self.stack[0].header for x, item in enumerate(self.temperature_maps): header['BUNIT'] = 'Kelvin' header['DATAMIN'] = item.min() header['DATAMAX'] = item.max()'{0}{1}_SED_Temp{2}_Kelvin_{3}' '.fits'.format( output_folder, str(self.stack[0].source), str(x+1), str(self.stack[0].resolutionToString())), item, header) for x, item in enumerate(self.mass_maps): header['BUNIT'] = 'Msun' header['DATAMIN'] = item.min() header['DATAMAX'] = item.max() header=self.stack[0].header'{0}{1}_SED_Mass{2}_Msun_{3}' '.fits'.format( output_folder, str(self.stack[0].source), str(x+1), str(self.stack[0].resolutionToString())), item, header) header['BUNIT'] = '' header['DATAMIN'] = self.beta_map.min() header['DATAMAX'] = self.beta_map.max() data = self.beta_map header = header=self.stack[0].header '{0}{1}_SED_Beta_None_{2}' \ '.fits'.format(output_folder, str(self.stack[0].source), str(self.stack[0].resolutionToString())), data, header ) header['DATAMIN'] = self.chisq_map.min() header['DATAMAX'] = self.chisq_map.max() data = self.chisq_map header = header=self.stack[0].header '{0}{1}_SED_Chisq_None_{2}' \ '.fits'.format(output_folder, str(self.stack[0].source), str(self.stack[0].resolutionToString())), data, header ) print 'Finished!'
[docs]class Sed(object): r""" This class handles a single SED. Basically it is able to fit, and plot the sed. Parameters ---------- source_name : string The name of the source to which the SED corresponds to. coordinate : list The coordinate of the source. [RA, DEC] flux_array : list The array that is created by SedStack with the entries of wavelength, flux, and error. init_fit : logic Controls whether the SED is fitted already during creation. number_components : int The number of greybody components to be fitted. Default: 2. temperature_guess : list List with the intial guesses for the temperature mass_guess : list List with the intial guesses for the masses beta_guess : list List with the intial guesses of the beta value """ def __init__(self, source_name, coordinate, flux_array, number_components=2, init_fit=True, temperature_guess=None, mass_guess=None, beta_guess=None): self.log = log_tools.init_logger( directory="/home/{}/.astrolyze/".format(USER), name="astrolyze" ) self.source_name = source_name self.coordinate = coordinate self.number_components = number_components self.temperature_guess = temperature_guess self.mass_guess = mass_guess self.beta_guess = beta_guess self.flux_array = flux_array self.fit_temperatures = None self.fit_masses = None self.fit_beta = None self.fit_done = False self.set_defaults() if init_fit: self.grey_body_fit() self.log.debug( def __repr__(self): return "Sed(source_name={}, coordinate={}, )" def __str__(self): return def info(self): string = 'Source Name: {}\n'.format(self.source_name) string += 'Coordinate: {}\n'.format(self.coordinate) string += 'flux_array: {}\n'.format(self.flux_array) if self.fit_done: string += 'Temperature Fit: {}\n'.format(self.fit_temperatures) string += 'Mass Fit: {}\n'.format(self.fit_masses) string += 'Beta Fit: {}\n'.format(self.fit_beta) string += 'Chisq: {}\n'.format(self.fit_chisq) if not self.fit_done: sting = 'SED not fitted yet' return string def set_defaults(self): # Set a default guess for the input parameter # needed to run a greybody Fit. init_guess_temperature = self.temperature_guess or [20, 50, 100, 150, 200] init_guess_masses = self.mass_guess or [1e5, 1e2, 1e1 ,1e-1, 1e-2] init_beta_guess = self.beta_guess or [2.] self.temperature_guess = [] self.mass_guess = [] for x in range(self.number_components): self.temperature_guess += [init_guess_temperature[x]] self.mass_guess += [init_guess_masses[x]] self.beta_guess = init_beta_guess self.p1 = [self.temperature_guess, self.mass_guess, self.beta_guess] self.p2 = None # Setting up default input choices for the # grey_body_fit function from astroFunctions. # please check this function for more details. self.fit_beta = False self.kappa = 'Kruegel' self.fix_temperature = False self.rawChiSq = None self.residuals = False self.nu_or_lambda = 'nu' def set_initial_guess(self, temperature_guess, mass_guess, beta_guess): init_guess_temperature = temperature_guess init_guess_masses = mass_guess init_beta_guess = beta_guess self.temperature_guess = [] self.mass_guess = [] if len(init_guess_temperature) < self.number_components: self.log.error("Not enough temperature guesses entered.") raise SystemExit if len(init_guess_masses) < self.number_components: self.log.error("Not enough mass guesses entered.") raise SystemExit for x in range(self.number_components): self.temperature_guess += [init_guess_temperature[x]] self.mass_guess += [init_guess_masses[x]] self.beta_guess = beta_guess self.p1 = [self.temperature_guess, self.mass_guess, self.beta_guess] self.p2 = None
[docs] def grey_body_fit(self): r"""" Fitting a multi componenet grey body to the input data in flux_array. See Also -------- .. :py:func:`astrolyze.functions.astro_functions.grey_body_fit` """ try: (self.p2, self.fit_chisq) = astro_functions.grey_body_fit( data=self.flux_array, start_parameter=self.p1, nu_or_lambda=self.nu_or_lambda, fit_beta=self.fit_beta, fix_temperature=self.fix_temperature, kappa=self.kappa, residuals=self.residuals) except: raise ValueError('Data could not be fitted!') self.fit_temperatures = self.p2[0] self.fit_masses = self.p2[1] self.fit_beta = self.p2[2] self.fit_done = True # print 'Fit-Done'
[docs] def plot_sed(self, axes=plt.gca(), nu_or_lambda='nu', color='black', linewidth=0.5, x_range='normal'): '''Plot a multi component greybody model. Parameters ---------- nu_or_lambda : plot against frequency ``'nu'`` or wavelenght ``'lambda'`` kappa : The kappa to use. ``'easy'`` or ``'Kruegel'``. Please refer to :py:func:`functions.astroFunctions.greyBody` for more information. xRange : PLEASE ADD DESCRIPTION linewidth : float The linewidth of the plotted lines. Default to 0.5. color : matplotlib conform color the color of the plotted lines. Default to ``'black'``. ''' if not self.fit_done: raise ValueError('Could not plot the data. The data has not been ' 'fitted yet.') sys.exit() if self.p2 == None: pass if x_range == 'LTIR': # Plot the SED in the range of the determination # of the L_TIR: 3-1100 micron xmin = 3e-6# micron xmax = 4000e-6 # micron # conversion to frequency in GHz xmin = const.c/xmax/1e9 xmax = const.c/xmin/1e9 step = 0.1 if x_range == 'normal': # arbitrary range definition xmin = 1e-2 xmax = 3e5 step = 0.5 if type(x_range) == list: xmin = x_range[0] xmax = x_range[1] if len(x_range) < 3: step = 0.1 else: step = x_range[2] x = np.arange(xmin,xmax,step) # multi_component_grey_body gives the summed 'model' and the components # grey'. 'grey' is a List if nu_or_lambda == 'nu': model,grey = astro_functions.multi_component_grey_body(self.p2, x, 'nu', self.kappa) if nu_or_lambda=='lambda': model,grey = astro_functions.multi_component_grey_body(self.p2, x, 'nu', self.kappa) y=x.copy() modelLambda =model.copy() greyLambda = [] for i in range(len(grey)): greyLambda += [grey[i].copy()] for i in range(len(x)): y[i]=(const.c/(x[len(x)-i-1]*1e9))/1e-6 for i in range(len(model)): modelLambda[i]=model[len(model)-i-1] for j in range(len(greyLambda)): greyLambda[j][i] = grey[j][len(grey[j])-i-1] x=y model =modelLambda grey = greyLambda plt.loglog(x, model, ls='-', color=color, label='_nolegend_', lw=0.5, marker='') linestyles = [':','-.','-'] j=0 for i in grey: plt.loglog(x, i, color=color, ls=linestyles[j], lw=0.5, marker='') j+=1
[docs] def create_figure(self, save=True, plotLegend=False, color=['black'], marker=['x'], title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, nu_or_lambda='nu', fontdict=None, textStringLoc=[1,1], lineWidth=0.5, kappa='easy', x_range='normal', prefix="./", **kwargs): r""" Creates a quick preview of the loaded SED. TODO: extend documentation. """ fig1 = plt.figure() fig1ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) textString = '' for i in range(len(self.p2[0])): textString += ('T=' + str('%1.1f' % self.p2[0][i]) + ' K\nM=' + str("%1.2e" % self.p2[1][i]) + ' Msun\n') if len(self.p2[0])==2: textString+= 'N1/N2 = '+str('%i'%(self.p2[1][0]/self.p2[1][1]))+'\n' textString += ('beta = ' + str("%1.2f" % self.p2[2][0]) + '\nchi$^2$ =' + str("%1.2f" % self.fit_chisq) + '\n') # sets the limits of the plot Page plotSize = 0.9 # how much in percentace should the plotpage be larger # than the plotted values? if nu_or_lambda=='nu': xLimNu = [min(self.flux_array[0]) - min(self.flux_array[0]) * plotSize, max(self.flux_array[0]) + max(self.flux_array[0])] if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': newSelf_Flux_Array = [] for i in self.flux_array[0]: print i newSelf_Flux_Array += [astro_functions.frequency_to_wavelength(i)] self.flux_array[0] =newSelf_Flux_Array xLimNu = [min(self.flux_array[0]) - min(self.flux_array[0]) * plotSize * 2, max(self.flux_array[0]) + max(self.flux_array[0]) * plotSize] ylim = [min(self.flux_array[1]) - min(self.flux_array[1]) * plotSize, max(self.flux_array[1]) + max(self.flux_array[1]) * plotSize / 2] # makes the plot page squared; TBD not really square yet fig1ax1.set_xlim(xLimNu[0],xLimNu[1]) fig1ax1.set_ylim(ylim[0],ylim[1]) # PLots the model given in self.p2 self.plot_sed(axes=plt.gca(), nu_or_lambda=nu_or_lambda, color='black', linewidth=0.5, x_range=x_range) markersize =7 #Plotting the data points parted = [1] if len(parted)==1: fig1ax1.errorbar(self.flux_array[0], self.flux_array[1], yerr=self.flux_array[2], fmt='o', marker='p', mfc='None', mew=0.5, mec='#00ffff', ms=markersize, color='black', lw=lineWidth) else: for i in range(len(parted)): if i == 0: fig1ax1.errorbar(self.flux_array[0][0:parted[i]], self.flux_array[1][0:parted[i]], yerr=self.flux_array[2][0:parted[i]], fmt=marker[i], marker=marker[i], mfc='None', label=label[i], mew=0.5, mec=color[i], ms=markersize, color=color[i], lw=lineWidth) else: fig1ax1.errorbar(self.flux_array[0][parted[i-1]:parted[i]], self.flux_array[1][parted[i-1]:parted[i]], yerr=self.flux_array[2][parted[i-1]:parted[i]], fmt=marker[i], marker=marker[i], mfc='None', label=label[i], mew=0.5, mec=color[i], ms=markersize, color=color[i], lw=lineWidth) # setting up legend,title, xlabel. if plotLegend == 'yes': fontdict={'size':'11'} plt.legend(loc='upper right', numpoints=1, fancybox=False, prop=fontdict, markerscale=1) fontdict={'size':'17'} plt.text(90,0.2,s=textString, fontdict=fontdict, alpha=0.4) if title: fig1ax1.title(title) if x_label: fig1ax1.xlabel(x_label) if y_label: fig1ax1.ylabel(y_label) fig1ax1.axis([xLimNu[0],xLimNu[1],ylim[0],ylim[1]]) if save: fig1.savefig(prefix + self.source_name + '_SED.eps', dpi=None, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', papertype='a5', format='eps',bbox_inches='tight')