Source code for astrolyze.maps.miriad

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD License (License.txt)
import math
import os
import string
import sys

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

# My own modules

import main
import fits
import gildas

import astrolyze.functions.constants as const

[docs]class MiriadMap(main.Map): def __init__(self, map_name): r""" Calling the Map parent class and check that the file is really a miriad map. """ main.Map.__init__(self, map_name) if self.dataFormat is not None: print 'Exiting: not the right format' print map.resolution sys.exit()
[docs] def toFits(self): r""" Converts the actual map to a Fits map. Returns ------- FitsMap Object. Examples -------- With: >>> map = miriadMap('M33_MIPS_24mum_JyB_5') >>> map = map.toFits() it is possible to continue working with the Fits map, using :class:`maps.fits.FitsMap` class. """ os.system('rm ' + str(self.returnName(dataFormat='fits'))) print 'rm ' + str(self.returnName(dataFormat='fits')) string = ('fits in=' + str(self.map_name) + ' out=' + str(self.returnName(dataFormat='fits')) + ' op=xyout') print string os.system(string) self.fitsName = str(self.returnName()) + '.fits' return fits.FitsMap(str(self.returnName()) + '.fits')
[docs] def toGildas(self): r""" Converts the actual map to a Gildas map. Returns ------- GildasMap Object. Examples -------- With: >>> map = miriadMap('M33_MIPS_24mum_JyB_5') >>> map = map.toGildas() it is possible to continue working with the Fits map, using :class:`maps.gildas.GildasMap` class. """ self.toFits() os.system('rm ' + str(self.returnName()) + '.gdf') self.convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') self.convFile.write('fits ' + str(self.returnName(dataFormat='fits')) + ' to ' + str(self.returnName(dataFormat='gdf')) + '\nexit\n') self.convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') self.gildasName = str(self.map_name) + '.gdf' os.system('rm temp.greg') return gildas.GildasMap(self.gildasName)
[docs] def toMiriad(self): r""" Copies the actual map changing the name such that it takes changes in keywords into account. Returns ------- MiriadMap Object. Examples -------- With: >>> map = miriadMap('M33_MIPS_24mum_JyB_5') >>> map = map.toMiriad() it is possible to continue working with the Miriad map, using :class:`maps.gildas.MiriadMap` class. """ os.system('cp -rf ' + str(self.map_name) + ' ' + str(self.returnName())) print 'cp -rf ' + str(self.map_name) + ' ' + str(self.returnName()) self.map_name = self.returnName() return self
[docs] def smooth(self, new_resolution, old_resolution=None, scale=''): r""" Smoothes a miriad map to the new resolution. Parameters ---------- new_resolution : float or list The resolution in of the smoothed image. Can be a: * float: Output beam has same major and minor axis [arcsec] and the position angle (PA) [degrees] is 0. * A list with two entries: The major and minor axis. PA is 0. E.g. [major_axis, minor_axis ] * A list with three entries: [major_axis, minor_axis, PA] old_resolution : float If None the self.resolution information is taken into account. Otherwise, it is assumed that old_resolution is the actual resolution of the map. scale : string If unset (scale=''), the miriad function will attempt to make the units of the smoothed image be Jy/beam for Gaussian convolution. If ``0.0``, then the convolution integral is scaled (multipled) by the inverse of the volume of the convolving function. Otherwise, the integral is scaled by "scale" Returns ------- MiriadMap : object The smoothed image. Notes ----- The function used to calculate the fwhm (\Omega) of the convolving Gaussian for both major and minor axis is: .. math:: \Omega_{\rm convolve} = \sqrt{\Omega_{\rm new}^2 - \Omega_{\rm old}^2} """ # Parsing the resolution string. try: new_major = new_resolution[0] new_minor = new_resolution[1] new_pa = new_resolution[2] except: try: new_major = new_resolution[0] new_minor = new_resolution[1] new_pa = 0 except: new_major = new_resolution new_minor = new_resolution new_pa = 0 if old_resolution is None: _old_major = self.resolution[0] _old_minor = self.resolution[1] pa = self.resolution[2] if old_resolution is not None: if old_resolution is list: if len(old_resolution) == 2: _old_major = old_resolution[0] _old_minor = old_resolution[1] pa = 0 if len(old_resolution) == 3: _old_major = old_resolution[0] _old_minor = old_resolution[1] pa = old_resolution[2] if old_resolution is not list: _old_major = old_resolution _old_minor = old_resolution pa = 0 if ((float(_old_major) > float(new_major) or float(_old_minor) > float(new_minor))): print 'Error: Old Resolution bigger than new one!' # calculate the fwhm for the convolving gaussian. _fwhm_major = math.sqrt(float(new_major) ** 2 - float(_old_major) ** 2) _fwhm_minor = math.sqrt(float(new_minor) ** 2 - float(_old_minor) ** 2) _smoothed_map_name = self.returnName(resolution=[float(new_major), float(new_minor), new_pa]) os.system('rm -rf ' + _smoothed_map_name) if scale != '': executeString = ('smooth in=' + str(self.map_name) + ' ' 'out=' + _smoothed_map_name + ' ' 'fwhm=' + str('%.2f' % (_fwhm_major)) + ', ' + str('%.2f' % (_fwhm_minor)) + ' pa=' + str(pa) + ' scale=' + str(scale)) else: executeString = ('smooth in=' + str(self.map_name) + ' ' 'out=' + _smoothed_map_name + ' ' 'fwhm=' + str('%.2f' % (_fwhm_major)) + ', ' + str('%.2f' % (_fwhm_minor)) + ' pa=' + str(pa) + ' scale=' + str(scale)) print executeString os.system(executeString) return MiriadMap(_smoothed_map_name)
def _moment(self, iN='', region='', out='', mom='0', axis='', clip='', rngmsk='', raw=''): ''' Wrap around MIRIADs moment task. keywords are as in miriad. By default (-> if you give no arguments to the function) it creates the zeroth moment of the map ''' fileout = open('miriad.out', 'a') string = 'moment ' if iN == '': iN = self.map_name string += 'in=' + str(iN) + ' ' if region != '': string += 'region=' + str(region) + ' ' if out == '': self.newComments = [] if 'cube' in self.comments: print 'yes1' for i in self.comments: if str(i) == 'cube': print 'yes1' self.newComments += ['mom' + str(mom)] else: self.newComments += [str(i)] self.comments = self.newComments else: self.comments += ['mom' + str(mom)] print self.comments out = self.returnName() string += 'out=' + str(out) + ' ' string += 'mom=' + str(mom) + ' ' if axis != '': string += 'axis=' + str(axis) + ' ' if clip != '': string += 'clip=' + str(clip) + ' ' if rngmsk != '': string += 'rngmsk=' + str(rngmsk) + ' ' if raw != '': string += 'raw=' + str(raw) + ' ' os.system('rm -rf ' + str(self.returnName())) print string os.system(string) fileout.write(string + '\n') self.map_name = out fileout.close() def regrid(self, iN='', out='', axes='1,2', tin='', desc='', options='', project='', rotate='', tol=''): fileout = open('miriad.out', 'a') string = 'regrid ' if iN == '': iN = self.map_name string += 'in=' + str(iN) + ' ' if out == '': self.comments += ['regrid'] out = self.returnName() string += 'out=' + str(out) + ' ' if axes != '': string += 'axes=' + str(axes) + ' ' if tin != '': string += 'tin=' + str(tin) + ' ' if desc != '': string += 'desc=' + str(desc) + ' ' if options != '': string += 'options=' + str(options) + ' ' if project != '': string += 'project=' + str(project) + ' ' if rotate != '': string += 'rotate=' + str(rotate) + ' ' if tol != '': string += 'tol=' + str(tol) + ' ' os.system('rm -rf ' + str(self.returnName())) print string os.system(string) fileout.write(string + '\n') self.map_name = out fileout.close() def ellipseMask(self, pa, incline, radius, coord, out, pix_or_coord='coord', logic='lt'): tempFitsMap = self.toFits() xy = tempFitsMap.sky2xy(coord) x0 = str(int(floor(float(xy[0])))) y0 = str(int(floor(float(xy[1])))) os.system('rm -rf ' + out) print '#################' print self.inclination print print '#################' sineCosArg = str(float(2 * math.pi / 360 * (-90 + float( inclinationRadian = str(2 * math.pi / 360 * self.inclination) os.system('maths \'exp=<' + self.map_name + '>\' \'' 'mask=sqrt((((x-' + x0 + ')*cos(' + sineCosArg + '))-' '((y-' + y0 + ')*sin(' + sineCosArg + ')))**2 + ' '(((x-' + x0 + ')*sin(' + sineCosArg + '))+' '((y-' + y0 + ')*cos(' + sineCosArg + ')))**2/' '(cos(' + inclinationRadian + ')**2)).' + logic + '.' + str(radius * 60 / math.sqrt((float(tempFitsMap.header['CDELT1']) / (1. / 60 / 60)) ** 2)) + '\' ' 'out=' + out + ' xrange=0,' + str(tempFitsMap.header['NAXIS1']) + ' ' 'yrange=0,' + str(tempFitsMap.header['NAXIS2'])) self.map_name = out def _regridMiriadToArcsec(self, value, JyB_KkmS='KkmS'): fitsFile = self.toFits() self.naxis1 = float(fitsFile.header['naxis1']) self.naxis2 = float(fitsFile.header['naxis2']) self.cdelt1 = float(fitsFile.header['CDELT1']) self.cdelt2 = float(fitsFile.header['CDELT2']) self.crval1 = float(fitsFile.header['CRVAL1']) self.crval2 = float(fitsFile.header['CRVAL2']) self.crpix1 = float(fitsFile.header['CRPIX1']) self.crpix2 = float(fitsFile.header['CRPIX2']) print (self.naxis1, self.naxis2, self.cdelt1, self.cdelt2, self.crval1, self.crval2, self.crpix1, self.crpix2) self.cdelt1arcs = float(self.cdelt1) / (value * (1. / 60 / 60)) self.cdelt2arcs = float(self.cdelt1) / (value * (1. / 60 / 60)) self.naxis1New = self.naxis1 * math.sqrt(self.cdelt1arcs ** 2) self.crpix1New = self.naxis1New / (self.naxis1 / self.crpix1) self.naxis2New = self.naxis2 * math.sqrt(self.cdelt2arcs ** 2) self.crpix2New = self.naxis2New / (self.naxis2 / self.crpix2) self.newPix = float(value) / 60 / 60 print 'oldPixel', self.cdelt1 * 60 * 60, self.cdelt2 * 60 * 60 print 'axis1', self.naxis1, '->', self.naxis1New print 'axis2', self.naxis2, '->', self.naxis2New self.regrid(desc=str(self.crval1 * 2 * math.pi / 360) + ',' + str(self.crpix1New) + ',' + str(float(value) * -2 * math.pi / 360 / 60 / 60) + ',' + str(self.naxis1New) + ',' + str(self.crval2 * 2 * math.pi / 360) + ',' + str(self.crpix2New) + ',' + str(float(value) * 2 * math.pi / 360 / 60 / 60) + ',' + str(self.naxis2New)) if JyB_KkmS == 'KkmS': os.system('rm -rf ' + str(self.returnName()) + '_norm') os.system('maths \'exp=<' + str(self.returnName()) + '>/' + str(self.cdelt1arcs * self.cdelt2arcs) + '\'out=' + str(self.returnName()) + '_norm') self.comments += ['norm'] self.map_name = self.returnName()