Source code for astrolyze.maps.main

 # Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD License (License.txt)
import math
import os
import string
import sys
import ConfigParser

import numpy as np
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from generaltools import log_tools

import astrolyze.functions.constants as const
from astrolyze.functions import units

[docs]class Map(object): ''' ``Map`` is the parent Class for the ``maps``-package. It contains all functions that are common to all supported map-formats, i.e. Fits, GILDAS and Miriad. This class is only supposed to be called through the FitsMap, GildasMap, and MiriadMap classes. Parameters ---------- map_name : string The name and path of the file that is to be initialized to the maps package. ''' def __init__(self, map_name, **kwargs): ''' Initialize a map to maps. ''' USER = os.getenv("USER") config_path = "/home/{}/.astrolyze/".format(USER) config_file = "astrolyze.cfg" self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"{}{}".format(config_path, config_file)) # Definition of the unit nomenclatures. self.log = log_tools.init_logger( directory="/home/{}/.astrolyze/".format(USER), name="astrolyze" ) USER = os.getenv("USER") self.database_prefix = self.config.get("General", "database_prefix") self.database_prefix = self.database_prefix.format(USER) # Load configuration from config_file self.jansky_beam_names = self.config.get( "Units", "jansky_beam_names" ).split(',') self.jansky_pixel_names = self.config.get( "Units", "jansky_pixel_names" ).split(',') self.tmb_names = self.config.get( "Units", "tmb_names" ).split(',') self.MJy_per_sterad_names = self.config.get( "Units", "MJy_per_sterad_names" ).split(',') self.erg_sec_pixel_names = self.config.get( "Units", "erg_sec_pixel_names" ).split(',') self.erg_sec_beam_names = self.config.get( "Units", "erg_sec_beam_names" ).split(',') self.erg_sec_sterad_names = self.config.get( "Units", "erg_sec_sterad_names" ).split(',') self.known_units = (self.jansky_beam_names + self.jansky_pixel_names + self.tmb_names + self.MJy_per_sterad_names + self.erg_sec_beam_names + self.erg_sec_sterad_names + self.erg_sec_pixel_names) # Definition of possible data format endings for the different # programs. self.gildas_formats = self.config.get( "Formats", "gildas_formats" ).split(',') self.fits_formats = self.config.get( "Formats", "fits_formats" ).split(',') self.miriad_formats = ['',None] self.class_formats = self.config.get( "Formats", "class_formats" ).split(',') # name_convention is not needed anymore. Only kept for backward # compatibality. self.map_name = map_name # Test if the file exists. Directory for Miriad. # File for Fits and GILDAS. if ((not os.path.isdir(self.map_name) and not os.path.isfile(self.map_name))): self.log.critical( 'Exiting: {} does not exist'.format(self.map_name) ) raise SystemExit # Get Informations from the file name. self.map_nameList = map_name.split('/')[-1].split('_') if len(self.map_nameList) < 5: self.log.critical( "This map does not follow the Naming Convention for Astrolyze" ) raise SystemExit self.map_nameList = map_name.split('/')[-1].split('_') self.prefix_list = map_name.split('/')[0:-1] self.comments = [] self.source = self.map_nameList[0].split('/')[-1] if len(self.prefix_list) > 0: self.prefix = string.join(self.prefix_list, '/') + '/' elif len(self.prefix_list) == 0: self.prefix = '' self.telescope = self.map_nameList[1] self.species = self._resolveSpecies() self.fluxUnit = self.map_nameList[3] # Check dataFormat. if self.map_name.endswith('.fits'): self.dataFormat = 'fits' self.map_nameList[-1] = self.map_nameList[-1].replace( '.fits', '' ) for i in self.gildas_formats: if self.map_name.endswith('.' + i): self.dataFormat = i self.map_nameList[-1] = self.map_nameList[-1].replace( '.' + i, '' ) for i in self.class_formats: if self.map_name.endswith('.' + i): self.dataFormat = i self.map_nameList[-1] = self.map_nameList[-1].replace( '.' + i, '' ) if os.path.isdir(self.map_name): # Miriad Data Format uses directories self.dataFormat = None self.resolution = self._resolveResolution() # Entries after the fifth are considered comments. if len(self.map_nameList) > 5: for i in range(len(self.map_nameList) - 6): self.comments += [self.map_nameList[i + 5]] self.comments += [self.map_nameList[-1]] #!!!!! TODO: Bas implementation. Try should only contain very short # parts of the program otherwise errors in the program are camouflaged. try: self.connection = sqlite.connect(str(self.database_prefix) + 'parameter.db') self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Galaxies WHERE Name = ?", (self.source.upper(),)) self.params = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.type = self.params[2] self.distance = self.params[3] self.vlsr = self.params[4] self.centralPosition = self.params[5] = self.params[6] self.inclination = self.params[7] self.R25 = self.params[8] self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() except: self.params = None self.type = None self.distance = None self.vlsr = None self.centralPosition = None = None self.inclination = None self.R25 = None try: self.connection = sqlite.connect(str(self.database_prefix) + 'parameter.db') self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Lines WHERE Name = ?", (self.species.upper(),)) self.params = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.frequency = self.params[2] self.wavelength = self.params[3] self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() except: pass try: self.connection = sqlite.connect(str(self.database_prefix) + 'parameter.db') self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM cal_error WHERE Telescope = " " ? AND Species = ?", (self.telescope.upper(), self.species.upper())) self.params = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] self.calibrationError = self.params[3] self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() except: self.calibrationError = np.nan self.get_beam_size() def _resolveSpecies(self): ''' Gets the frequency from a database on basis of the map name if possible. ''' species = self.map_nameList[2] if 'mum' in species: try: self.wavelength = float(species.replace('mum', '')) * 1e-6 self.frequency = 299792356 / self.wavelength except: self.frequency = np.nan self.wavelength = np.nan elif 'mm' in species: try: self.wavelength = float(species.replace('mm', '')) * 1e-3 self.frequency = 299792356 / self.wavelength except: self.frequency = np.nan self.wavelength = np.nan elif 'GHz' in species: try: self.frequency = float(species.replace('GHz', '')) * 1e9 self.wavelength = 299792356 / self.frequency except: self.frequency = np.nan self.wavelength = np.nan else: self.frequency = np.nan self.wavelength = np.nan return species def _resolveResolution(self): ''' Reads the resolution string from the map name. ''' # TODO: include handling of 'uk' string = self.map_nameList[4] # Test if there is a digit after the last point. # To exclude file endings like .fits.gdf. # In this the dataFormat would be 'gdf'. # but self.map_nameList[4] storing the resolution # Still does contain points only due to numbers. test = string.split('.') x = True while x: if 'uk' in string: break try: float(test[-1][:1]) x = False except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit() except: string = string.replace('.' + test[-1], '') test = test[0:-1] if 'uk' in string: return string # Resolve the resolution naming scheme explained above. if 'x' in string and 'a' in string: major = float(string.split('x')[0]) minor = float(string.split('x')[1].split('a')[0]) pa = float(string.split('x')[1].split('a')[1]) if 'x' in string and 'a' not in string: major = float(string.split('x')[0]) minorData = string.split('x')[1] pa = 0.0 if 'x' not in string and 'a' in string: major = float(string.split('a')[0]) minor = float(string.split('a')[0]) paData = string.split('a')[1] if 'x' not in string and 'a' not in string: major = float(string) minor = float(string) pa = 0 return [major, minor, pa]
[docs] def resolutionToString(self, resolution=None): r""" Converts the resolution list to a string to be printed and included in the file names. """ if resolution is None: if float(self.resolution[2]) == 0.0: if float(self.resolution[0]) == float(self.resolution[1]): string = "%1.2f" % self.resolution[0] if float(self.resolution[0]) != float(self.resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % self.resolution[0] + 'x' + "%1.2f" % self.resolution[1]) if float(self.resolution[2]) != 0.0: if float(self.resolution[0]) == float(self.resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % self.resolution[0] + 'a' + "%1.1f" % self.resolution[2]) if float(self.resolution[0]) != float(self.resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % self.resolution[0] + 'x' + "%1.2f" % self.resolution[1] + 'a' + "%1.1f" % self.resolution[2]) if resolution is not None and type(resolution) is not str: if float(resolution[2]) == 0.0: if float(resolution[0]) == float(resolution[1]): string = "%1.2f" % resolution[0] if float(resolution[0]) != float(resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % resolution[0] + 'x' + "%1.2f" % resolution[1]) if float(resolution[2]) != 0.0: if float(resolution[0]) == float(resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % resolution[0] + 'a' + "%1.1f" % resolution[2]) if float(resolution[0]) != float(resolution[1]): string = ("%1.2f" % resolution[0] + 'x' + "%1.2f" % resolution[1] + 'a' + "%1.1f" % resolution[2]) if type(resolution) is str: string = resolution return string
[docs] def get_beam_size(self): r""" Calculates the beam-size in steradians and in m^2. Fot the latter the distance to the source has to be given. Returns ------- Initialization if the variables: self.beamSizeSterad and self.beamSizeM2 Notes ----- The formula used is: .. math: \Omega = 1.133 * FWHM(rad)^2 \cdot (Distance(m)^2) """ if self.resolution != 'uk': self.beamSizeSterad = (1.133 * const.a2r ** 2 * self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1]) if self.distance is not None: self.beamSizeM2 = (1.133 * (self.distance * const.a2r * const.pcInM) ** 2 * self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1]) else: self.beamSize = np.nan
[docs] def change_map_name(self, source=None, telescope=None, species=None, fluxUnit=None, resolution=None, comments=None, dataFormat=False, prefix=None): ''' This function can be used to change the names of the maps and make a copy of the file to the new name and/or location. ''' source = source or self.source telescope = telescope or self.telescope species = species or self.species fluxUnit = fluxUnit or self.fluxUnit resolution = resolution or self.resolution if dataFormat is False: dataFormat = self.dataFormat prefix = prefix or self.prefix if comments is None: comments = comments or self.comments # Now update the variables self.source = source self.telescope = telescope self.species = species self.fluxUnit = fluxUnit self.resolution = resolution if dataFormat is not False: self.dataFormat = dataFormat self.prefix = prefix if comments is not None: comments = self.comments + comments self.comments = self.comments + comments comment_string = _comment_to_string() target_file_name = "{}{}_{}_{}_{}_{}{}.{}".format( prefix, source, telescope, species, fluxUnit, self.resolutionToString(self.resolution), comment_string, dataFormat ) if len(self.comments) == 0: if str(self.map_name) != (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + str(resolution) + '.' + str(dataFormat)): copy_command = "cp {} {}".format(self.map_name, target_file_name), shell=True) self.map_name = target_file_name if len(self.comments) != 0: if ((str(self.map_name) != str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + str(resolution) + '_' + '_'.join(self.comments) + '.' + str(dataFormat))): os.system('cp ' + str(self.map_name) + ' ' + str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(self.resolution) + '_' + '_'.join(self.comments) + '.' + str(dataFormat)) self.map_name = (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(self.resolution) + '_' + '_'.join(self.comments) + '.' + str(dataFormat))
def _comment_to_string(self): """ Converts the comment list to a string """ comment_string = "_".join(self.comments) if comment_string != "": comment_string = "_{}".format(comment_string) return comment_string
[docs] def returnName(self, source=None, telescope=None, species=None, fluxUnit=None, resolution=None, comments=None, dataFormat=False, prefix=None): ''' Returns the Name corresponding to the Name convention. Single keywords can be changed. This function is useful to generate a writeout name for a changed file without overwriting the current ``self.map_name``. Parameters ---------- All possible parameters from the "Naming Convention" plus the new prefix. ''' source = source or self.source telescope = telescope or self.telescope species = species or self.species fluxUnit = fluxUnit or self.fluxUnit resolution = resolution or self.resolution prefix = prefix or self.prefix if dataFormat is False: dataFormat = self.dataFormat if comments is None: comments = self.comments elif comments is not None: comments = self.comments + comments if len(comments) == 0: if dataFormat is not None: return (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(resolution) + '.' + str(dataFormat)) if dataFormat is None: return (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(resolution)) if len(comments) != 0: if dataFormat is not None: return (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(resolution) + '_' + '_'.join(comments) + '.' + str(dataFormat)) if dataFormat is None: return (str(prefix) + str(source) + '_' + str(telescope) + '_' + str(species) + '_' + str(fluxUnit) + '_' + self.resolutionToString(resolution) + '_' + '_'.join(comments))
[docs] def flux_conversion(self, x=None, major=None, minor=None, nu_or_lambda='nu', direction=None): r""" Calulates conversion between and Jy/beam and vise versa. Parameters ---------- x : float [GHz] Wavelength/frequency. Defaults to the frequency of the loaded map, i.e. self.frequency major : float Major Axis Beam (arcsec). Default None, i.e. using self.resolution. minor : float Minor Axis Beam(arcsec). Default None, i.e. using self.resolution. nu_or_lambda : string Choose type of x: frequency = ``'nu'`` or wavelength = ``'lambda'``. direction : string choose conversion direction ``'kelvin_to_jansky'`` means Kelvin to Jansky; ``'jansky_to_kelvin'`` Jansky to Kelvin. Notes ----- If self.frequency and self.resolution are correctly set, this functions does not need any input. Otherwise this has to be given explicitly. """ if direction is not None and (direction != 'kelvin_to_jansky' or direction != 'jansky_to_kelvin'): print ('Keyword Error direction has to be kelvin_to_jansky or' 'jansky_to_kelvin -> Exit!') if self.fluxUnit in ['JyB', 'Jy/Beam'] and direction is None: direction = 'jansky_to_kelvin' if self.fluxUnit in ['Tmb', 'T', 'Kkms'] and direction is None: direction = 'kelvin_to_jansky' print self.fluxUnit if ((self.fluxUnit not in ['JyB', 'Jy/Beam'] and self.fluxUnit not in ['Tmb', 'T', 'Kkms'])): print ('Map is not in the right units has to be Jy/beam or ' 'Kelvin something. -> Exit!') sys.exit() if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': if direction == 'jansky_to_kelvin': def fcon(x, major, minor): return units.jansky_to_kelvin(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='lambda') if direction == 'kelvin_to_jansky': def fcon(x, major, minor): return units.kelvin_to_jansky(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='lambda') if nu_or_lambda == 'nu': if direction == 'jansky_to_kelvin': def fcon(frequency, major, minor): return units.jansky_to_kelvin(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='nu') if direction == 'kelvin_to_jansky': def fcon(frequency, major, minor): return units.kelvin_to_jansky(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='nu') if x is None: if self.frequency is not np.nan: x = self.frequency / 1e9 elif self.frequency is np.nan: print 'No frequency information present. Can not proceed.' if major is None: major = self.resolution[0] if minor is None: minor = self.resolution[1] return fcon(x, major, minor)