Source code for astrolyze.maps.gildas

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD Licencse
import math
import os
import string
import sys

from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import pygreg

import main
import fits
import miriad

import astrolyze
from astrolyze.spectra import *
import astrolyze.functions.constants as const

[docs]class GildasMap(main.Map): r""" Wrapping GILDAS functions to use them inline with Python. """ def __init__(self, map_name): r"""Initializes a Gildas map""" main.Map.__init__(self, map_name) self._init_map_to_greg() if self.dataFormat not in self.gildas_formats: print ('Exiting: Not a Gildas format (AFAIK). Supported' 'Formats Can be extended.') sys.exit() def _init_map_to_greg(self): pygreg.comm('image "' + self.map_name + '"') self._load_gildas_variables() pygreg.comm('let name "' + self.map_name.replace('.' + self.dataFormat, '"')) pygreg.comm('let type "' + self.dataFormat + '"') def _load_gildas_variables(self): r""" This function load the Gildas variables and extracts from some of the SicVar instances variables consiting of sicname, sicdata and siclevel, to just the data part to be used by the python parts of the programs. The extracted variables are to be extended while adding functionality to the GildasMap mehtods. """ self.vars = pygreg.gdict # load the map dimensions stored in g_dim self.dimensions = self.vars.g_dim.__sicdata__ self.naxis_1 = self.dimensions[0] self.naxis_2 = self.dimensions[1] # Load the array with, central Pixel, value, and increment self.convert = self.vars.g_convert.__sicdata__ self.crpix_1 = self.convert[0][0] self.crval_1 = self.convert[0][1] self.cdelt_1 = self.convert[0][2] self.crpix_2 = self.convert[1][0] self.crval_2 = self.convert[1][1] self.cdelt_2 = self.convert[1][2] self.ra_coordinate = self.vars.g_ra.__sicdata__ self.dec_coordinate = self.vars.g_dec.__sicdata__ # conversion to degrees self.ra_coordinate = self.ra_coordinate * const.r2d self.dec_coordinate = self.dec_coordinate * const.r2d self.central_coordinate_degrees = [self.ra_coordinate, self.dec_coordinate] self.central_coordinate_equatorial = astFunc.degrees_to_equatorial( self.central_coordinate_degrees)
[docs] def set_defaults(self): r""" Reset all selection criteria. """ pyclass.comm('set def') pyclass.comm('clear')
def _regrid_to_arcsec(self, value): r""" Regrids the pixel size of the map to a multiple of arcseconds. Parameters ---------- value : float The new pixel size in arcsecs. Notes ----- .. warning:: Old function no guarantee of functionality. Test or remove! """ # fitsFile = self.toFits() # self.naxis1 = float(fitsFile.header['naxis1']) # self.naxis2 = float(fitsFile.header['naxis1']) # self.cdelt1 = float(fitsFile.header['CDELT1']) # self.cdelt2 = float(fitsFile.header['CDELT2']) # self.crval1 = float(fitsFile.header['CRVAL1']) # self.crval2 = float(fitsFile.header['CRVAL2']) # self.crpix1 = float(fitsFile.header['CRPIX1']) # self.crpix2 = float(fitsFile.header['CRPIX2']) self.cdelt1arcs = float(self.cdelt_1) / (value * (1. / 60 / 60)) self.naxis1New = self.naxis_1 * math.sqrt(self.cdelt1arcs ** 2) self.crpix1New = self.naxis1New / (self.naxis_1 / self.crpix_1) self.comments += ['IP1'] interpolate_init = open('interpolate.init', 'w') init_string = ('TASK\FILE \"Input file\" Y_NAME$ ' + str(self.map_name) + '\n' 'TASK\FILE \"Output file\" X_NAME$ ' + str(self.returnName()) + '\n' 'TASK\INTEGER \"Number of pixels\" NX$ ' + str(int(self.naxis1New)) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL \"New reference pixel\" REFERENCE$ ' + str(int(self.crpix1New)) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL \"New value at reference pixel\" VALUE$ ' + str(self.crval_1) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL \"New increment\" INCREMENT$ ' + str(self.cdelt1arcs) + ' \n' 'TASK\GO\n') interpolate_init.write(init_string) fileout.close() fileout = open('interpolate.greg', 'w') fileout.write('run interpolate interpolate.init /nowindow\nexit\n') fileout.close() os.system('greg -nw @interpolate.greg')
[docs] def spectrum(self, coordinate, fileout=None, prefix=None, create_spectrum=True): r""" Wrapper to the GILDAS/GREG spectrum command. Extracting a spectrum from a cube at a given positions. By default it also creates a 30m file readable by class from the table. Parameters ---------- coordinate : list A list with the coordinates in floats in units of Degrees, or in string for equatorial coordinate. fileout : string The name of the table where the spectrum will be stored. Default is the same name as the map with ``".tab"`` as ending. prefix : The path to the folder where the newly created file will be stored. Defaults to the prefix currently stored in self.prefix. create_spectrum : True or False Turn the creation of a 30m with the spectrum of ``False`` or on ``True``. Examples -------- >>> from astrolyze.maps import * >>> map = GildasMap('M33_PdBI_12co10_Tmb_22.0_2kms.gdf') >>> coordinate = ['1:34:7.00', '+30:47:52.00'] >>> map.spectrum(coordinate) Creates in the present folder. .. Tested and working. """ os.system('rm spectrum.init') if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix if fileout is None: fileout = self.returnName(prefix=prefix, dataFormat='tab') else: fileout = prefix + fileout maskInit = open('spectrum.init', 'w') init_string = ('! Spectrum.init\n' 'TASK\FILE "Input file name" IN$ "' + self.map_name + '"\nTASK\FILE "Output table name" OUT$ "' + fileout + '"\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Absolute coordinate" COORD$ "' + coordinate[0] + ' ' + coordinate[1] + '"\n' 'TASK\GO') maskInit.write(init_string) maskInit.close() convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run spectrum spectrum.init /nowindow\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') os.system('rm spectrum.init') if create_spectrum: file_30m = self.returnName(comments=['extract'], prefix=prefix, dataFormat='30m') print 'file out ' + file_30m + ' single /over' print 'col x 1 y 2 /table ' + prefix + fileout pyclass.comm('file out ' + file_30m + ' single /over') pyclass.comm('col x 1 y 2 /table ' + prefix + fileout) pyclass.comm('model y x') pyclass.comm('write')
[docs] def lmv(self, fileout=None, prefix=None): r"""Wrapper for the lmv command of GILDAS/CLASS. Extracts spectra from a spectral cube. Parameters ---------- fileout : string The name of the class file to write the spectra to. Defaults to the map_name with .30m ending. prefix : string The path were the class file will be stores. Defaults to the current path. """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix if fileout is None: fileout = self.returnName(prefix=prefix, dataFormat='30m') else: fileout = prefix + fileout pyclass.comm('file out {} single /over'.format(file_30m)) pyclass.comm('lmv {}'.format(self.map_name)) return ClassSpectra(fileout)
[docs] def mask(self, polygon, prefix=None): r""" Wrapper for the GREG task mask: Parameters ---------- polygon : string path to a GILDAS polygon file with ending ``".pol"`` prefix : string The path where the output is to be stored if different from the current prefix of the map. Returns ------- mapObject : The masked map object. Examples -------- >>> map.mask('poly/sourceA.pol') """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix maskInit = open('mask.init', 'w') comment = [polygon.split('/')[-1].replace('.pol', '')] init_string = ('TASK\FILE "Polygon data file" POLYGON$ "' + str(polygon) + '" \n' 'TASK\FILE "Input image" Y_NAME$ "' + str(self.map_name) + '"\n' 'TASK\FILE "Output image" X_NAME$ "' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment)) + '"\n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Mask inside (.true.) or outside ' '(.false.)" MASK_IN$ NO\n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Modify blanking value" MODIFY$ NO\n' 'SAY "If YES, Fill information Below"\n' 'TASK\REAL "New blanking value" BLANKING$ 0 \n' 'TASK\GO') maskInit.write(init_string) maskInit.close() os.system('more mask.init') convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run mask mask.init /nowindow\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') os.system('rm mask.init') return GildasMap(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment))
[docs] def reproject(self, template=None, coord=None, prefix=None, keep_pixsize=False): r""" Wraps the GREG task reproject. Either use template *or* coord. Parameters ---------- template : string Full path to a map in GDF Format whose central coordinate and pixel size will serve as a template. coord : list List of coordinate strings in RA DEC (J2000) that will become the new centre of the map. prefix : string The path where the output is to be stored if different from the current prefix of the map. If None the current self.prefix of the GildasMap instance is used. keep_pixsize : bool If False reproject guesses the new pixel sizes after reprojection these are normally smaller than the original ones. If True the old pixel sizes are enforced. Returns ------- GildasMap Object : Instance for the reprojected map. Raises ------ SystemExit If both **template** and **coord** are not ``None``. ValueError If keep_pixsize is not a boolean. Examples -------- >>> map.reproject(coord = ['1:34:32.8', '30:47:00.6']) >>> map.reproject(template = 'M33_SPIRE_250_JyB_18.1.gdf') References ---------- For more information on the Gildas task see: .. [1] """ if template is not None and coord is not None: print "Please use either template OR coord." raise SystemExit if type(keep_pixsize) != bool: raise ValueError('keep_pixsize has to be True or False.') reproInit = open('reproject.init', 'w') if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix if template: os.system('cp {} template.gdf'.format(template)) template = 'template.gdf' comment = ['repro'] init_string = ('TASK\FILE "Input file" Z_NAME$ "' + str(self.map_name) + '"\n' 'TASK\FILE "Output file" X_NAME$ "' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment)) + '"\n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Reproject on a third file\'s ' 'projection [YES|NO]" TEMPLATE$ YES\n' 'TASK\FILE "This Template File Name" Y_NAME$ "' + str(template) + '"\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Projection type" PROJECTION$ ' '"RADIO" /CHOICE NONE GNOMONIC ORTHOGRAPHIC ' 'AZIMUTHAL STEREOGRAPHIC LAMBERT AITOFF RADIO\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord.System ' '[EQUATORIAL [epoch]|' 'GALACTIC]" SYSTEM$ "EQUATORIAL 2000"\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord. 1 of projection center. ' 'Could be UNCHANGED" CENTER_1$ "01:34:11.8" ' '/CHOICE UNCHANGED *\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord. 2 of projection ' 'center" CENTER_2$ "+30:50:23.4" ' '/CHOICE UNCHANGED ' '*\n' 'TASK\REAL "Position angle of projection" ANGLE$ ' '0.000000000000000 /RANGE 0 360\n' 'TASK\INTEGER "Dimensions of output image ' '[0 0 mean guess]" DIMENSIONS$[2] 0 0\n' 'TASK\REAL "First axis conversion formula [0 0 0 ' 'mean guess]" AXIS_1$[3] 0 0 0\nTASK' '\REAL "Second ' 'axis conversion formula [0 0 0 mean guess]" ' 'AXIS_2$[3] 0 0 0\n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Change blanking value" ' 'CHANGE$ NO\n' 'TASK\REAL "New blanking value and tolerance" ' 'BLANKING$[2] 0 0\nTASK\GO\n') reproInit.write(init_string) if coord: comment = ['repro'] init_string = ('TASK\FILE "Input file" Z_NAME$ "' + str(self.map_name) + '"\n' 'TASK\FILE "Output file" X_NAME$ "' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment)) + '"\n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Reproject on a third file\'s ' 'projection [YES|NO]" TEMPLATE$ NO\n' 'TASK\FILE "This Template File Name" Y_NAME$ ""\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Projection type" PROJECTION$ ' '"RADIO" /CHOICE NONE GNOMONIC ORTHOGRAPHIC ' 'AZIMUTHAL STEREOGRAPHIC LAMBERT AITOFF RADIO\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord.System ' '[EQUATORIAL [epoch]|' 'GALACTIC]" SYSTEM$ "EQUATORIAL 2000"\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord. 1 of projection center. ' 'Could be UNCHANGED" CENTER_1$ "' + str(coord[0]) + '" /CHOICE UNCHANGED *\n' 'TASK\CHARACTER "Coord. 2 of projection center" ' 'CENTER_2$ "' + str(coord[1]) + '" /CHOICE UNCHANGED *\n' 'TASK\REAL "Position angle of projection" ANGLE$ ' '0.000000000000000 /RANGE 0 360\n') if keep_pixsize: init_string += ('TASK\INTEGER "Dimensions of output image [0' '0 mean guess]" DIMENSIONS$[2] ' + str(self.naxis_1) + ' ' + str(self.naxis_1) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL "First axis conversion' 'formula [0 0 0 ' 'mean guess]" AXIS_1$[3] ' + str(self.crpix_1) + ' ' + str(self.crval_1) + ' ' + str(self.cdelt_1) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL' '"Second axis conversion formula [0 0 0 ' 'mean guess]" AXIS_2$[3] ' + str(self.crpix_2) + ' ' + str(self.crval_2) + ' ' + str(self.cdelt_2) + '\n') if not keep_pixsize: init_string += ('TASK\INTEGER "Dimensions of output image [0' '0 mean guess]" DIMENSIONS$[2] 0 0 \n' 'TASK\REAL "First axis conversion formula ' '[0 0 0 mean guess]" AXIS_1$[3] 0 0 0 \n ' 'TASK\REAL "Second axis conversion formula ' '[0 0 0 mean guess]" AXIS_2$[3] 0 0 0 \n') init_string += ('TASK\LOGICAL "Change blanking value" CHANGE$ ' 'YES\n TASK\REAL "New blanking value and ' 'tolerance" BLANKING$[2] 0 0\n' 'TASK\GO\n') reproInit.write(init_string) reproInit.close() # write the Greg Script convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run reproject reproject.init /nowindow\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('more reproject.init') # execute the Greg Script and then delete it os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') os.system('rm reproject.init') os.system('rm template.gdf') return GildasMap(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment))
[docs] def moments(self, velo_range=[0, 0], threshold=0, smooth='YES', prefix=None, comment=None): r""" Wraps the GILDAS/GREG task moments. Creates the first three moments of the map. Parameters ---------- velo_range : list Velocity range for the integration. threshold : float Value under which pixels are blanked. smooth : string One of Either ``"NO"`` or ``"YES"``. Controls if the map is smoothed in velocity before applying the cut threshold. Getting rid of noise peaks over the threshold. Defaults to ``'YES'`` prefix : string The path where the output is to be stored if different from the current prefix of the map. comment : string Optional comments to be added to the new map name. Returns ------- mean : MapObject The zeroth moment, i.e. the integrated intensity, is returned as a GildasMap object. """ print self.map_name if comment is None: comment = [] save_comments = self.comments self.comments = [] if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix momentInit = open('moments.init', 'w') init_string = ('TASK\FILE "Input file name" IN$ "' + str(self.map_name) + '"\n' 'TASK\FILE "Output files name (no extension)" ' 'OUT$ "' + self.returnName(resolution='dummy', prefix=prefix, comments=[]).replace('.' + self.dataFormat, '') + '"\n' 'TASK\REAL "Velocity range" VELOCITY$[2] ' + str(velo_range[0]) + ' ' + str(velo_range[1]) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL "Detection threshold" THRESHOLD$ ' + str(threshold) + ' \n' 'TASK\LOGICAL "Smooth before detetction ?" SMOOTH$ ' + str(smooth) + ' \n' 'TASK\GO\n') momentInit.write(init_string) momentInit.close() convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run moments moments.init /nowindow\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('mv ' + self.returnName(resolution='dummy', prefix=prefix, comments=[], dataFormat='mean') + ' ' + self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=save_comments, dataFormat='mean')) os.system('mv ' + self.returnName(resolution='dummy', prefix=prefix, comments=[], dataFormat='velo') + ' ' + self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=save_comments, dataFormat='velo')) os.system('mv ' + self.returnName(resolution='dummy', prefix=prefix, comments=[], dataFormat='width') + ' ' + self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=save_comments, dataFormat='width')) os.system('rm moments.init') print self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=save_comments, dataFormat='mean') return GildasMap(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=save_comments, dataFormat='mean'))
[docs] def goRot(self, angle, prefix=None): r""" Wrapper for the GREG go rot command, which rotates maps around their central coordinate stored in the header. Parameters ---------- angle : float [deg] Rotation angle. prefix : string The path where the output is to be stored if different from the current prefix of the map. Returns ------- GildasMap Object : Instance for the reprojected map. Examples -------- >>> map.goRot(45) To change the central coordinate first use :py:func:`maps.gildas.GildasMap.reproject` e.g.: >>> map = map.reproject(coord=['new_RA_string','new_DEC_string']) >>> map.goRot(45) """ rotate = open('rotateTemp.greg', 'w') rotate.write('let name ' + self.map_name.replace('.' + self.dataFormat, '') + '\n let type ' + str(self.dataFormat) + '\n' 'let angle ' + str(angle) + '\n' 'go rot\n' 'exit\n') rotate.close() os.system('greg -nw @rotateTemp.greg') if len(str(angle).split('.')) > 1: comments += [('rot' + str(str(angle).split('.')[0]) + 'p' + str(str(angle).split('.')[1]) + 'deg')] else: comments += ['rot' + str(angle) + 'deg'] os.system('mv ' + self.map_name.replace('.'+ self.dataFormat, '' ) + '-rot' + str(angle) + 'deg.' + str(self.dataFormat) + ' ' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment))) os.system('rm -rf rotateTemp.greg') return GildasMap(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment))
[docs] def slice(self, coordinate1, coordinate2, prefix=None, comment=None): r""" Wrapper for the GREG task slice. Producing Position velocity cuts trough a map between coordinate1 and coordinate2. Parameters ---------- coordinate1 : string The coordinate where the cut trough the map starts. coordinate2 : string The coordinate where the cut trough the map ends. Returns ------- A GildasMap object containing the slice. Notes ----- This only works with cubes. """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix if comment is None: comment = ['sliced'] elif comment is not None and '[' not in comment: comment = [comment] sliceInit = open('slice.init', 'w') init_string = ('!\n! slice.init\n' + 'TASK\FILE "Input file name" INPUT_MAP$ "' + str(self.map_name) + '"\n' + 'TASK\FILE "Output file name" OUTPUT_MAP$ "' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment)) + '"\n' + 'TASK\CHAR "Starting point" START$ "' + str(coordinate1) + '"\n' + 'TASK\CHAR "Ending point" END$ "' + str(coordinate2) + '"\n' + 'TASK\GO') sliceInit.write(init_string) sliceInit.close() convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run slice slice.init /nowindow\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') os.system('rm slice.init') return GildasMap(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, comments=comment))
[docs] def smooth(self, new_resolution, old_resolution=None, prefix=None): r"""Wrapper for the GILDAS/GREG task gauss_smooth. Parameters ---------- new_resolution : float or list The resulting resolution after the smoothing. It can be: 1. a float: i.e. the final major and minor beamsize. The position angle will default to 0. 2. a list with two floats: [major_axis, minor_axis]. The position angle defaults to 0. 3. a list with three floats: [major_axis, minor_axis, position_angle]. old_resolution : float or list Same format as new_resolution. Defaults to self.resolution of the map instance. prefix : string The path where the output is to be stored if different from the current prefix of the map. Notes ----- .. warning:: The gauss_smooth Task from GILDAS only gives correct output units when the map is on a temperature or \"per pixel\" scale. **Maps in Jy/Beam won't be in Jy/Beam after smoothing.** """ if prefix is None: prefix = self.prefix if old_resolution is None: old_major = self.resolution[0] old_minor = self.resolution[1] pa = self.resolution[2] if old_resolution is not None: if type(old_resolution) is list: if len(old_resolution) == 2: old_major = old_resolution[0] old_minor = old_resolution[1] pa = 0 if len(old_resolution) == 3: old_major = old_resolution[0] old_minor = old_resolution[1] pa = old_resolution[2] if type(old_resolution) is not list: old_major = old_resolution old_minor = old_resolution pa = 0 if type(new_resolution) is list: if len(new_resolution) == 2: new_major = new_resolution[0] new_minor = new_resolution[1] pa = 0 if len(new_resolution) == 3: new_major = new_resolution[0] new_minor = new_resolution[1] pa = new_resolution[2] if type(new_resolution) is not list: new_major = new_resolution new_minor = new_resolution pa = 0 new_resolution = [new_major, new_minor, pa] if ((float(old_major) > float(new_major) or float(old_minor) > float(new_minor))): self.log.error('Old Resolution bigger than new one!') fwhm_major = (math.sqrt(float(new_major) ** 2 - float(old_major) ** 2) * const.arcsecInRad) fwhm_minor = (math.sqrt(float(new_minor) ** 2 - float(old_minor) ** 2) * const.arcsecInRad) smooth_init_text = ('TASK\FILE "Input file" Y_NAME$ ' + str(self.map_name) + '\n' 'TASK\FILE "Output smoothed image" X_NAME$ ' + str(self.returnName(prefix=prefix, resolution=new_resolution)) + '\n TASK\REAL "Major axis of ' 'convolving gaussian" ' 'MAJOR$ ' + str(fwhm_major) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL "Minor axis of convolving gaussian" ' 'MINOR$ ' + str(fwhm_minor) + '\n' 'TASK\REAL "Position angle" PA$ ' + str(pa) + '\n TASK\GO') with open('gauss_smooth.init', 'w') as output: output.write(smooth_init_text) convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('run gauss_smooth gauss_smooth.init /nowindow\n' 'exit') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') os.system('rm gauss_smooth.init') return GildasMap(self.returnName(resolution=new_resolution))
[docs] def custom_go_spectrum(self, coordinate=False, size=False, angle=0): r""" This function uses the ``go spectrum`` command from GREG to plot the spectra in a region given by ``size`` around the cooridinate given by ``coordinate``. Parameters ---------- coordinate : list A list with the coordinates in floats in units of Degrees, or in string for equatorial coordinates. Default to ``False`` which means that the center of the map, determined from the map header, is used. size : list The region around the ``coordinate`` from which spectra are plotted in arcsec, e.g. size = [50, 50] means a region of 50x50 arcsec around the given cooridnate. Defaults to None, which translates to size = [0, 0] which in turn is interpreted as the full map size by GREG. angle : float [degrees] Needed if the map is rotated to get the correct offsets. Defaults to 0. """ # go spectrum reads the variable center which gives the coordinates # in offsets from the central coordinate in the header if coordinate: offset = astFunc.calc_offset(self.central_coordinate_equatorial, coordinate, angle, output_unit='arcsec') else: offset = [0, 0] print offset if not size: size = [0, 0] comment = ['go-spectrum'] name = self.returnName(comments=comment, dataFormat='eps') string = ('let center ' + str(offset[0]) + ' ' + str(offset[1]) + '\n' 'let size ' + str(size[0]) + ' ' + str(size[1]) + '\n' 'let name ' + self.map_name.replace('.' + self.dataFormat, '') + '\n' 'let type ' + self.dataFormat + '\n' 'go spectrum \n' 'ha ' + name + ' /dev eps color /over \n' 'exit \n' ) print string fileout = open('temp.greg', 'w') fileout.write(string) fileout.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm -rf temp.greg')
[docs] def save_figure(self, name=None): r""" Helper function that saves the current plot. """ name = name or self.returnName(dataFormat='eps') pygreg.comm('ha ' + name + '/dev eps color')
[docs] def quick_preview(self, save=False, filename=None, window=True,): r""" Plotting the map and optionally save the figure. Parameters ---------- save : True or False Choose wether or nor to save the figure. filename : string The filename to for the saved plot. If None defaults to ``'quick_preview.eps'``. window : True or False Choose whether the image display is opened or not. Default True. """ pygreg.comm('clear') pygreg.comm('image ' + self.map_name) if window: pygreg.comm('dev im w') pygreg.comm('lim /rg') pygreg.comm('set box match') pygreg.comm('greg2\\pl') pygreg.comm('greg\\box /abs') if save: filename = filename or 'quick_preview.eps' if '.eps' in filename: pygreg.comm('ha ' + filename + ' /dev eps color /over') if '.png' in filename: pygreg.comm('ha ' + filename + ' /dev png color /over')
def get_spectra_from_cube(self, coordinate, angle=0, prefix=None, accuracy=2): spectra = self.lmv() spectra = spectra.get_spectra_from_cube(coordinate, angle=0, prefix=None, accuracy=2) return spectra
[docs] def toFits(self): r""" Converts the actual map to a Fits map. Returns ------- FitsMap Object. Examples -------- With: >>> map = gildasMap('M33_MIPS_24mum_JyB_5.gdf') >>> map = map.toFits() it is possible to continue working with the fits map, using the :class:`maps.fits.FitsMap` class. """ comment = None for name in ['mean', 'velo', 'width']: if self.dataFormat == name: comment = [name] os.system('rm ' + self.returnName(dataFormat='fits', comments=comment)) convFile = open('temp.greg', 'w') convFile.write('fits ' + self.returnName(dataFormat='fits', comments=comment) + ' from ' + str(self.map_name) + '\nexit\n') convFile.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') self.fitsName = self.returnName(dataFormat='fits', comments=comment) return fits.FitsMap(self.fitsName)
[docs] def toMiriad(self): r""" Converts the actual map to a Miriad map. Returns ------- MiriadMap Object. Examples -------- With: >>> map = gildasMap('M33_MIPS_24mum_JyB_5.gdf') >>> map = map.toMiriad() it is possible to continue working with the Miriad map, using :class:`maps.miriad.MiriadMap` class. """ self.toFits() os.system('rm -rf ' + self.returnName(dataFormat='')) os.system('fits in=' + str(self.fitsName) + ' out=' + self.returnName(dataFormat='') + ' op=xyin') self.miriadName = self.returnName(dataFormat='') self.dataFormat = '' return MiriadMap(self.miriadName)