Source code for astrolyze.maps.fits

# Copyright (C) 2009-2015, Christof Buchbender
# BSD License (License.txt)

# standard library
import os
import string
import sys
import pyfits
import math

import numpy as np
from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from astropy import wcs

# from astrolzye
import main
import gildas
import miriad

import astrolyze.functions.constants as const
from astrolyze.functions import astro_functions as astFunc
from astrolyze.functions import units

[docs]class FitsMap(main.Map): r""" Fits Map manipulation making extensive use of the pyfits package. """ def __init__(self, map_name): main.Map.__init__(self, map_name) if self.dataFormat not in self.fits_formats: self.log.critical("This is not a configured fits format. "\ "Adapt /home/USER/.astrolyze/astrolyze.cfg "\ "to add this format to known fits formats") raise SystemExit self.__get_data() self.__get_header() self.wcs = wcs.WCS(self.hdulist[0].header) self.headerKeywords = {} self.headerKeywords['source'] = ['OBJECT', 'SOURCE', 'TARNAME'] self.headerKeywords['telescope'] = ['TELESCOP'] self.headerKeywords['species'] = ['LINE', 'FREQUENCY'] self.headerKeywords['fluxUnit'] = ['BUNIT'] self.headerKeywords['resolution'] = ['BMAJ', 'BMIN'] self.get_pixel_size() def __repr__(self): return "FitsMap(\"{}\")".format(self.map_name) def __get_data(self): r""" Creates a variable containing an array with the maps data. This function is automatically executed every time a Fits map is opened """ try: = self.hdulist[0].data except: self.hdulist = = self.hdulist[0].data def __get_header(self): r""" Creates a self.header variable containing a dictionary with the header information of the map. This function is automatically executed every time a Fits map is opened. """ # try: self.header = self.hdulist[0].header # except: # self.hdulist = # self.header = self.hdulist[0].header
[docs] def update_file(self, backup=False): r""" Writing changes to the and/or self.header to the current file. Parameters ---------- backup : True or False If True a copy of the original file is created having the extension ``"_old"`` after the file endind, i.e. some_name.fits -> some_name. fits_old. Returns -------- FitsMap : Instance Notes ----- If all variables that define the map name () are unchanged the current file is overwritten else """ map_name = self.returnName() if backup is True: os.system('cp ' + str(map_name) + ' ' + str(map_name) + '_old') os.system('rm ' + str(map_name)),, self.header) return FitsMap(map_name)
[docs] def get_pixel_size(self): r""" Calculates the Area of a pixel in m^2 and steradians if distance is given. If not only steradians are calculated. """ _pixSize = np.asarray([float(math.fabs(self.header['CDELT1']) * const.d2r), float(math.fabs(self.header['CDELT2']) * const.d2r)]) _pixSizeSterad = _pixSize[0] * _pixSize[1] self.pixelSizeSterad = math.sqrt((float(_pixSizeSterad)) ** 2) if self.distance is not None: _pixSize = _pixSize * self.distance * const.pcInM _pixSize = _pixSize[0] * _pixSize[1] self.pixelSizeM2 = math.sqrt((float(_pixSize)) ** 2)
def __smooth(self, newRes, oldRes=None, scale='0.0'): # TODO: In Development. It's not sure if it ever will be finished. # No need to reinvent the wheel! r""" .. warning:: Still in Development. Maybe Never finished. **Do Not Use** """ if oldRes is None: oldMajor = self.resolution[0] oldMinor = self.resolution[1] pa = self.resolution[2] if float(oldRes) > float(newRes): print 'Error old Resolution bigger than new one!' # calculate the fwhm for the convolving gaussian newRes = newRes * 4.848e-6 oldRes = oldRes * 4.848e-6 fwhmMajor = math.sqrt(float(newRes) ** 2 - float(oldMajor) ** 2) fwhmMinor = math.sqrt(float(newRes) ** 2 - float(oldMinor) ** 2) os.system('rm -rf ' + str(self.returnName(resolution=str(newRes)))) # Have to check for Scaling!!!!!! while len( == 1: =[0] = gaussian_filter(, fwhm) # set the map_name and the resolution to the new values< self.map_name = self.returnName(resolution=str(newRes)) self.resolution = newRes def _cut_map(self, x1y1, x2y2, pix_or_coord='coord'): # TODO: Check if still valid!!!! r""" Cutting an rectangle out of a map. Giving the corners in coordinates or in pixels. Parameters ---------- x1y1 : list The upper right corner of the rectangle to cut out. Either in: * pixel coordinated [x1, y1] Or: * equatorial coordinates ['RA','DEC'] x2y2 : list The lower left corner in the same format as x1y1. pix_or_coord : string Either ``"pix"`` or ``"coord"`` choosing what **x1y1** and **x2y2** represents. Notes ----- This procedure cuts only rectangles paralell to the sides of the map. .. warning:: Old function. Functionality not guaranteed. maybe not really useful. Test or remove. """ if pix_or_coord == 'coord': x1y1 = self.sky2pix(x1y1) print 'x1y1', x1y1 x2y2 = self.sky2pix(x2y2) print 'x2y2', x2y2 if (x1y1 or x2y2) == 'Error': return 'Coordinates are not correct' if pix_or_coord == 'pix': pass print x1y1, x2y2 x1 = math.floor(float(x1y1[0])) x2 = math.floor(float(x2y2[0])) y1 = math.floor(float(x1y1[1])) y2 = math.floor(float(x2y2[1])) try: except: self.get_data() # needed if to check the dimension of the data array if len( > 2: for i in range(len( - 2): =[0] print x1, x2, y1, y2 self.cutData =[x1:x2, y1:y2] self.NewCRVal1 = ((x1 - math.floor(self.header['CRPIX1'])) * self.header['CDELT1'] + self.header['CRVAL1']) self.header['CRVAL1'] = self.NewCRVal1 self.NewCRVal2 = ((y1 - math.floor(self.header['CRPIX2'])) * self.header['CDELT2'] + self.header['CRVAL2']) self.header['CRVAL2'] = self.NewCRVal2 print (str(len(range(int(x1), int(x2)))), str(len(range(int(y1), int(y2))))) self.header['NAXIS1'] = len(range(int(x1), int(x2))) self.header['NAXIS2'] = len(range(int(y1), int(y2))) self.header['CRPIX2'] = 1 self.header['CRPIX2'] = 1 print self.header = self.cutData self.comments += ['cut'] self.update_file()
[docs] def read_flux(self, position): r""" Returns the value of the pixel that corresponds to the given positions of RA, DEC (J2000) in units of equatorial coordinates or degrees. Parameters ---------- position : list The position in RA,DEC where the aperture is to be applied. The Format has to be either: * ['RA','DEC'] with strings representing equatorial coordinates, e.g. ['01:34:32.8', '+30:47:00.6']. or: * [RA, DEC] where RA and DEC being the coordinates in Grad. Returns ------- flux : float The flux at the given position. See Also -------- sky2pix, astFunc.equatorial_to_degrees, wcs.wcs_sky2pix """ self.log.debug("Determining the Flux at position: {}".format(position)) self.log.debug("NAXIS is {}".format(self.header["NAXIS"])) x, y = self.sky2pix(position) self.log.debug( "Sky2Pix returned coordinates: x={}, y={}".format(x, y) ) return[y][x]
[docs] def read_aperture(self, position, apertureSize=0, backgroundSize=0, output=False, annotation=False, newAnnotation=False): # TODO: needs better scheme for the header keywords. Migth not work # with all maps. r""" Extract the sum and mean flux inside an aperture of a given size and at a given position.. This function can be used to read the flux in the area of a circular aperture, as well as to correct for the background flux. Parameters ---------- position : list The position in RA,DEC where the aperture is to be applied. The Format has to be either: * ['RA','DEC'] with strings representing equatorial coordinates, e.g. ['01:34:32.8', '+30:47:00.6']. or: * [RA, DEC] where RA and DEC being the coordinates in Grad. apertureSize : float [arcsec] The diameter of the aperture to be applied. backgroundSize : float [arcsec] The Size of the Anulli in which the background is to be estimated. The number to be given here correspond to the diameter of the circle in [arcsec ] descibing the outer border of the annuli, measured from the position given in position. Thus, the background is measurd in the ring described by apertureSize and backgroundSize. Default is 0 and thus **no background substaction** is applied. output : True or False If True the function reports the calculated values during execution. annotion : logical If True a kvis annotation file ``"apertures.ann"`` containing the aperture used to integrate the flux is created. Default is False, i.e. not to create the aperture. newAnnotation : logical If True ``"apertures.ann"`` is overwritten. If False an old ``"apertures.ann"`` is used to append the new apertures. If it not exists a new one is created. The latter is the default. Returns ------- List : [Sum, Mean, Number of pixels] Notes ----- The pixel sizes have to be quadratic for the algorithm to work. It measures a circle by counting the pixels from the central pixel corresponding to the given coordinate. """ self.log.debug( "Determining the Flux at position: {}; "\ "in aperture of size {} and background of {}".format( position, apertureSize, backgroundSize) ) # Calculate the x,y Pixel coordinate of the position. xCenter, yCenter = self.sky2pix(position) # Read the pixel Size (normaly in Grad FITS-Standard) try: self.pixSize1 = float(self.header['CDELT1']) self.pixSize2 = float(self.header['CDELT2']) except: # sometimes the header keywords are different. try: self.pixSize1 = float(self.header['XPIXSIZE']) self.pixSize2 = float(self.header['YPIXSIZE']) self.pixSize1 = self.pixSize1 / 60 / 60 self.pixSize2 = self.pixSize2 / 60 / 60 except: print 'No Header keyword for the pixsize found' sys.exit() # Check if the pixel size is quadratic, if not the function does not # work correctly (yet) if ((((self.pixSize1) ** 2 - (self.pixSize2) ** 2) ** 2 < ((self.pixSize1) ** 2) * 0.01)): if output is True: print ('Pixel Size X: ' + str(self.pixSize1 / (1. / 60 / 60)) + ' arcsec') print ('Pixel Size Y: ' + str(self.pixSize2 / (1. / 60 / 60)) + ' arcsec') print ('Pixel Size quadratic to 1%, Go on with ' 'calculation of Apertures') else: if output is True: print self.pixSize1, self.pixSize2 print ('Pixel Size *NOT* quadratic: Exit the program, ' 'please regrid!') sys.exit() # Convert the apertureSizes to Grad f apertureSizeInGrad = (1. / 60 / 60) * (apertureSize) / 2 # Calculate how many pixels are needed to cover the radius of the # aperture apertureSteps = math.sqrt(math.floor(apertureSizeInGrad / self.pixSize1) ** 2) # same for the backround annuli if backgroundSize != 0: backgroundSizeInGrad = (1. / 60 / 60) * (backgroundSize) / 2 backgroundSteps = math.sqrt(math.floor(backgroundSizeInGrad / self.pixSize1) ** 2) x_max, x_min = xCenter + backgroundSteps, xCenter - backgroundSteps y_max, y_min = yCenter + backgroundSteps, yCenter - backgroundSteps else: x_max, x_min = xCenter + apertureSteps, xCenter - apertureSteps y_max, y_min = yCenter + apertureSteps, yCenter - apertureSteps # calculate the x and y range in Pixel coordinates that are needed at # most for the calculation of the aperture and background # Now: Initialize variables sum = 0 # will store the sum of all Pixels in the aperture N = 0 # counts the number of pixels in the aperture to be able to # calculate the mean sumBackgnd = 0 # the sum of all pixels in the background NBackgnd = 0 # number of pixels in the background # calculate the background if backgroundSize != 0: for x in range(int(x_min), int(x_max)): for y in range(int(y_min), int(y_max)): if ((math.floor(math.sqrt((xCenter - x) ** 2 + (yCenter - y) ** 2)) < backgroundSteps and math.floor(math.sqrt((xCenter - x) ** 2 + (yCenter - y) ** 2)) > apertureSteps)): sumBackgnd +=[y][x] NBackgnd += 1 backgndMean = sumBackgnd / NBackgnd print backgndMean # caclulate the sum in the aperture for x in range(int(x_min), int(x_max)): for y in range(int(y_min), int(y_max)): if (math.floor(math.sqrt((xCenter - x) ** 2 + (yCenter - y) ** 2)) < apertureSteps): if backgroundSize != 0: sum +=[y][x] - backgndMean else: sum +=[y][x] N += 1 if backgroundSize != 0: mean = (sum / N) - backgndMean sumcorrected = sum - (N * backgndMean) result = [sum, mean, N] if backgroundSize == 0: mean = (sum / N) result = [sum, mean, N] if output is True: print ('Sum:', result[0], 'Mean:', result[1], 'Number of Pixel:', result[2]) if newAnnotation is False: fileout = open('apertures.ann', 'a') if newAnnotation is True: fileout = open('apertures.ann', 'w') if annotation is True: position = astFunc.equatorial_to_degrees(position) apertureString = ('CROSS ' + str(position[0]) + ' ' + str(position[1]) + ' 0.0008 0.001 \n' 'circle ' + str(position[0]) + ' ' + str(position[1]) + ' ' + str(apertureSize * (1. / 60 / 60) / 2) + ' \n' 'text ' + str(position[0] + (1. / 60 / 60)) + ' ' + str(position[1] + (1. / 60 / 60)) + '\n') fileout.write(apertureString) fileout.close() return result
[docs] def sky2pix(self, coordinate, origin=0): r""" Calculates the Pixel corresponding to a given coordinate. Parameters ---------- coordinate : list Either ['RA','DEC'], e.g. ['1:34:7.00', '+30:47:52.00'] in equatorial coordinates or [RA, DEC] in GRAD. origin : int ``0`` or ``1``; this steers how the first pixel is counted ``0`` is for usage with python as it starts to count from zero. ``1`` is the fits standart. Returns ------- pixel : List [x, y]; the pixel coordinates of the map. """ # Equatorial_to_degrees is only possible to execute if coordinate is in # the correct form for RA DEC. self.log.debug("Calculate map pixel for coord. {}".format(coordinate)) try: self.log.debug("Test trying to convert coord. to degrees") coordinate = astFunc.equatorial_to_degrees(coordinate) self.log.debug("Calculated coordinate in "\ "Degrees: {}".format(coordinate)) except AttributeError: self.log.debug("Conversion to degrees failed. "\ "This does not have to be a problem.") coordinate = np.array([[coordinate[0], coordinate[1]]], np.float_) self.log.debug("Retrieving the pixels of the map at given coordinate") sky2pix_result = self.wcs.wcs_world2pix(coordinate, origin) pixel = sky2pix_result[0] # The pixels are floats. To get integers we get the floor value # of the floats pixel = [int(math.floor(float(pixel[0]))), int(math.floor(float(pixel[1])))] self.log.debug("Output pixel {}".format(pixel)) return pixel
[docs] def pix2sky(self, pixel, degrees_or_equatorial='degrees'): r""" Calculates the Coordinates of a given Pixel. Parameters ---------- pixel : list Pixel of the map; [x, y]. degrees_or_equatorial : string Either ``"degrees"`` or ``"equatorial"``. Choosing the Format of the coordintates to be returnes. Defaults to ``"degrees"``. Returns ------- coordinate : list The coordinates corresponding to pixel. Either in Degrees or in Equatorial coordinates, depending on the parameter *degrees_or_equatorial*. """ # equatorial_to_degrees is only possible to execute if coordinate # is in RA DEC coordinate = self.wcs.wcs_pix2sky([[float(pixel[0]), float(pixel[1])]], 1)[0] if degrees_or_equatorial == 'equatorial': coordinate = astFunc.degrees_to_equatorial(coordinate) return coordinate
[docs] def gauss_factor(self, beamConv, beamOrig=None, dx1=None, dy1=None): r""" Calculates the scaling factor to be applied after convolving a map in Jy/beam with a gaussian to get fluxes in Jy/beam again. This function is a copy of the FORTRAN gaufac function from the Miriad package, which determine the Gaussian parameters resulting from convolving two gaussians. This function yields the same result as the MIRIAD gaufac function. Parameters ---------- beamConv : list A list of the [major axis, minor axis, position_angle] of the gaussion used for convolution. beamOrig : Same format as beamConv but giving the parameters of the original beam of the map. As Default the self.resolution list is used. dx1, dy1 : floats Being the pixel size in both dimensions of the map. By default the ``CDELT1`` and ``CDELT2`` keywords from the fits header are used. Returns ------- fac : Factor for the output Units. amp : Amplitude of resultant gaussian. bmaj, bmin : Major and minor axes of resultant gaussian. bpa : Position angle of the resulting gaussian. """ # include 'mirconst.h' # Define cosine and Sinus of the position Angles of the # Gaussians bmaj2, bmin2, bpa2 = beamConv bmaj2, bmin2, bpa2 = (bmaj2 * const.arcsecInGrad, bmin2 * const.arcsecInGrad, bpa2 * const.arcsecInGrad) if beamOrig is None: bmaj1, bmin1, bpa1 = self.resolution bmaj1, bmin1, bpa1 = (bmaj1 * const.arcsecInGrad, bmin1 * const.arcsecInGrad, bpa1 * const.arcsecInGrad) if dx1 is None: dx1 = self.header['CDELT1'] if dy1 is None: dy1 = self.header['CDELT1'] cospa1 = math.cos(bpa1) cospa2 = math.cos(bpa2) sinpa1 = math.sin(bpa1) sinpa2 = math.sin(bpa2) alpha = ((bmaj1 * cospa1) ** 2 + (bmin1 * sinpa1) ** 2 + (bmaj2 * cospa2) ** 2 + (bmin2 * sinpa2) ** 2) beta = ((bmaj1 * sinpa1) ** 2 + (bmin1 * cospa1) ** 2 + (bmaj2 * sinpa2) ** 2 + (bmin2 * cospa2) ** 2) gamma = (2 * ((bmin1 ** 2 - bmaj1 ** 2) * sinpa1 * cospa1 + (bmin2 ** 2 - bmaj2 ** 2) * sinpa2 * cospa2)) s = alpha + beta t = math.sqrt((alpha - beta) ** 2 + gamma ** 2) bmaj = math.sqrt(0.5 * (s + t)) bmin = math.sqrt(0.5 * (s - t)) if (abs(gamma) + abs(alpha - beta)) == 0: bpa = 0.0 else: bpa = 0.5 * atan2(-1 * gamma, alpha - beta) amp = (math.pi / (4.0 * math.log(2.0)) * bmaj1 * bmin1 * bmaj2 * bmin2 / math.sqrt(alpha * beta - 0.25 * gamma * gamma)) fac = ((math.sqrt(dx1 ** 2) * math.sqrt(dy1 ** 2))) / amp return fac, amp, bmaj * 60 * 60, bmin * 60 * 60, bpa
[docs] def change_unit(self, final_unit, frequency=None, debug=False): r"""Changes the unit of a map Parameters ---------- final_unit : string The unit to change the map to. Possible are: 1. Jy/beam: ``"JyB"`` ``"JyBeam"`` 2. Jy/pixel: ``"JyP"``, ``"JyPix"``, ``"JyPixel"`` 3. MJy/sterad: ``"MJyPsr"``, ``"MJPSR"``, ``"MJy/sr"`` 4. Main Beam Temperature: ``"Tmb"``, ``"T"``, ``"Kkms"`` 5. erg/s/pixel: ``"ergs"`` ``"ERGPSECPPIX"``, ``"ERGPSECPPIXEL"``, ``"ERG-S-1-Pixel"``, ``"ERG-S-1"`` 6. erg/s/beam: ``"ERGPSECPBEAM"`` 7. erg/s/sterad ``"ERGPERSTER"`` frequency : float Can be used if self.frequency is NaN. The frequency (in GHz) is needed for conversions between temperature and Jansky/Erg scale. Other conversions don't need it. Notes ----- .. warning:: This function is still in development and not all conversions may work properly. """ # Definition of the unit nomenclatures. # TODO!! This should be Uset input. _jansky_beam_names = ['JYB', 'JyBeam'] _jansky_pixel_names = ['JYPIX', 'JYP', 'JYPIXEL'] _tmb_names = ['TMB', 'T', 'KKMS'] _MJy_per_sterad_names = ['MJPSR', 'MJYPSR', 'MJY/SR'] _erg_sec_pixel_names = ['ERGPSECPPIX', 'ERGPSECPPIXEL', 'ERG-S-1-Pixel', 'ERG-S-1'] _erg_sec_beam_names = ['ERGPSECPBEAM'] _erg_sec_sterad_names = ['ERGPERSTER'] _known_units = (_jansky_beam_names + _jansky_pixel_names + _tmb_names + _MJy_per_sterad_names) # If original and final unit are the same no conversion is needed. if final_unit.upper() == self.fluxUnit.upper(): self.update_file() # Jy/Pixel to Jy/B. def JyPix_JyBeam(invert=False): ''' This function converts between Jy/Pixel and Jy/Beam. Parameters ---------- invert : logic If ``"True"`` the conversion is done from ``Jy/Beam`` to `` Jy/Pixel``. If ``"False"`` vice-versa. ''' if not invert: factor = self.beamSizeSterad / self.pixelSizeSterad = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'JyB' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/Beam') if invert: factor = self.pixelSize / self.beamSize = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'JyPix' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/Pixel') def MJyPSr_JyBeam(invert=False): if not invert: # Working # fwhm 24micron - 6", 70micron - 18", 160micron - 40" # MJy/sterad = 10^6 /(4.25*10^10/(1.133*fwhm[arcsec]^2)) J/beam # with 4.25 = 1/(4.848e-6)^2 -> 1'' = 4.848e-6 rad # - > Jy/beam = 2.6629e-5 * fwhm[arcsec]^2 MJy/sr factor = (2.6629e-5 * self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1]) = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'JyB' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/Beam') if invert: # Working # fwhm 24micron - 6", 70micron - 18", 160micron - 40" # MJy/sterad = 10^6 /(4.25*10^10/(1.133*fwhm[arcsec]^2)) J/beam # with 4.25 = 1/(4.848e-6)^2 -> 1'' = 4.848e-6 rad # - > Jy/beam = 2.6629e-5 * fwhm[arcsec]^2 MJy/sr factor = (2.6629e-5 * self.resolution[0] * self.resolution[1]) factor = 1 / factor = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'MJpSr' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'MJy/sterad') def Tmb_JyBeam(invert=False): if not invert: if self.frequency is not np.nan: = * self.flux_conversion() self.fluxUnit = 'JyB' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/Beam') elif frequency is not None: factor = self.flux_conversion(frequency=frequency) = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'JyB' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/Beam') else: print ('Wavelength needed to convert between Jy and K.' '\nCannot continue -> Exit!') sys.exit() if invert: if self.frequency is not np.nan: factor = self.flux_conversion() = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'Tmb' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'K km/s') elif frequency is not None: factor = self.flux_conversion(frequency=frequency) = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'Tmb' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'K km/s') else: print ('Wavelength needed to convert between Jy and K.' '\nCannot continue -> Exit!') sys.exit() def ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=False): if not invert: factor = units.JyBToErgsB(None, self.distance, self.wavelength, invert=True, map_use=True) = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'JyB' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'Jy/beam') if invert: factor = units.JyBToErgsB(None, self.distance, self.wavelength, invert=False, map_use=True) = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'ErgPSecPBeam' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'ergs s^-1 beam^-1') def ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=False): if not invert: factor = self.beamSizeSterad / self.pixelSizeSterad = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'ErgPSecPPixel' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'ergs s^-1 pixel^-1') if invert: factor = self.pixelSizeSterad / self.beamSizeSterad = * factor self.fluxUnit = 'ErgPSecPBeam' self.header.update('BUNIT', 'ergs s^-1 beam^-1') # Conversions # Jy/pixel <-> Jy/beam if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: JyPix_JyBeam() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: JyPix_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # Jy/beam <-> MJy/sterad. if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # Jy/pixel <-> MJy/sterad. if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam() JyPix_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: JyPix_JyBeam() MJyPSr_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # MJy/sterad <-> Tmb if final_unit.upper() in _tmb_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam() Tmb_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _tmb_names: Tmb_JyBeam() MJyPSr_JyBeam(inver=True) self.update_file() # Jy/Beam <-> Tmb (Main beam temperature). if final_unit.upper() in _tmb_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: Tmb_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _tmb_names: Tmb_JyBeam() self.update_file() # Tmb <-> Jy/pixel if final_unit.upper() in _tmb_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: JyPix_JyBeam() Tmb_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _tmb_names: Tmb_JyBeam() JyPix_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # Jy/beam <-> Erg/s/beam if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() self.update_file() # Jy/beam <-> Erg/s/pixel if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() self.update_file() # Jy/pixel <-> Erg/s/pixel if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: JyPix_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() JyPix_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # Jy/pixel <-> Erg/s/beam if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: JyPix_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _jansky_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() JyPix_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # MJy/sterad <-> Erg/s/pixel if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() MJyPSr_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # MJy/sterad <-> Erg/s/beam if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: MJyPSr_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _MJy_per_sterad_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() MJyPSr_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # MJy/sterad <-> Erg/s/beam if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=True) self.update_file() # Tmb <-> Erg/s/pixel if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _tmb_names: Tmb_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel() self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _tmb_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_pixel_names: ErgSecBeam_ErgSecPixel(invert=True) ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() Tmb_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # Tmb <-> Erg/s/beam if final_unit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _tmb_names: Tmb_JyBeam() ErgSecBeam_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() if final_unit.upper() in _tmb_names: if self.fluxUnit.upper() in _erg_sec_beam_names: ErgSecBeam_JyBeam() Tmb_JyBeam(invert=True) self.update_file() # If the original flux unit is not known. elif self.fluxUnit.upper() not in _known_units: print ('Flux unit not known to astrolyze - ' 'Can not continue') if debug is True: pass elif debug is False: sys.exit() return FitsMap(self.returnName())
[docs] def toGildas(self, prefix=None): r""" Changes the current map to the Gildas Format. The function takes changes to the map_name variables made outside of functions into account via :py:func:`astrolyze.maps.main.Map.returnName` into account. Parameters ---------- prefix: string or None Path to location where the new gildas file will be stored. The default is None which defaults to the current self.prefix. Examples -------- To continue working with the gildas map use: >>> map = map.toGildas() To only store the current map in the gildas format and go on working with the fits file use: >>> map.toGildas() Here map is an Instance of the FitsMap class. """ prefix = prefix or self.prefix gildas_name = self.returnName(prefix=prefix, dataFormat='gdf') _conv_file = open('temp.greg', 'w') _conv_file.write('fits ' + self.map_name + ' to ' + gildas_name + '\n' 'exit\n') _conv_file.close() os.system('greg -nw @temp.greg') os.system('rm temp.greg') return gildas.GildasMap(gildas_name)
[docs] def toMiriad(self, prefix=None): r""" Changes the current map to the Miriad Format. The function takes changes to the map_name variables made outside of functions into account via :py:func:`maps.main.Map.returnName` into account. Parameters ---------- prefix : string or None Path to location where the new gildas file will be stored. The default is None which defaults to the current self.prefix. Examples -------- This function works like :py:func:`maps.mapClassFits.FitsMap.toGildas` and the same Examples apply. """ _prefix = prefix or self.prefix _fileout = open('miriad.out', 'a') _miriad_name = self.returnName(prefix=_prefix, dataFormat=None) os.system('rm -rf ' + _miriad_name) _fileout.write('fits in=' + str(self.map_name) + ' out=' + _miriad_name + ' op=xyin\n') os.system('fits in=' + str(self.map_name) + ' out=' + _miriad_name + ' op=xyin') os.system('rm miriad.out') return miriad.MiriadMap(_miriad_name)
def toFits(self): if self.map_name != self.returnName(): os.system('cp -rf ' + self.map_name + ' ' + self.returnName()) return fits.FitsMap(self.returnName()) else: return self