Source code for astrolyze.lte.lte

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD Licencse
Functions to calculate LTE column densities.

TODO: Add Documentation.
import math
from numpy import interp, asarray, mean, std, where, exp, log, sqrt, arange
import astrolyze.functions.constants as const

[docs]def calc_jnu(nu, T): r""" Calculates :math:`J_{\nu}` needed for lte_column_density. Parameters ---------- nu : float Frequency T : float Temperature Notes ----- The formula (in cgs units) implemented here is: .. math:: \mathcal{J}_{\nu}(T) = \frac{h\nu}{k} \frac{1}{e^{h\nu/kT_{ex}}-1} where: * k: the Boltzman constant in CGS * h: the PLanck constant in CGS * :math:`\nu`: the frequency * T: exitation temperature References ---------- Mike Zielinsky """ return (const.h_CGS * nu / const.k_CGS / (exp(const.h_CGS * nu / const.k_CGS / T) - 1))
[docs]def lte_column_density(nu, Tmb, excitation_temperature, J, Z, mu): r""" This function calculates the Column densities of linear molecules Units are all to be given in cgs Z is the array of partition function values for the corresponding temperatures in T these are the log values of Z Notes ----- The implemented formula, taken from Doktorarbeit is: .. math:: N = \frac{3h}{8 \pi^3 \mu^2} \frac{Z}{J} \frac{exp(\frac{h \nu}{k T_{ex}})}{[1 - exp(-\frac{h \nu}{k T_{ex}})]} (\mathcal{J}_{\nu}(T_{ex}) - \mathcal{J}_{\nu}(T_{BG}))^{-1} \int{T_{mb} d \nu} , where: * k: the Boltzman constant in CGS * h: the PLanck constant in CGS * W: integrated Intensity in Kelvin cm/s * Aul: the Einstein coeffiecient of the transition * gu: the statistical Weight of the upper level * Eu: the Energy of the upper level * exitation_temperature * Z: the partition Function References ---------- add reference to Zielinsky .. warning:: Extend documentation!!!! """ print 'excitation_temperature', excitation_temperature print 'Tmb', Tmb hNuKT = (const.h_CGS * nu) / (const.k_CGS * excitation_temperature) colDens = 3 * const.h_CGS / (8 * math.pi**3 * mu**2) colDens *= Z / J colDens *= exp(hNuKT) colDens *= 1 / (1 - exp( - 1 * hNuKT)) colDens *= (1 / (calc_jnu(nu,excitation_temperature) - calc_jnu(nu, const.tBG))) colDens *= Tmb * const.km_in_cm # Tmb given in K km/s, converted to K cm/s return colDens
[docs]def calc_N(molecule, excitation_temperature, J, W): r""" Calculates the column density for a molecule. !!! LOOK into the remaining Code and merge!!! """ T=[] # reverse the Arrays T and Q of the molecules for the interpolating # function for i in range(len(molecule.T)): T+=[molecule.T[len(molecule.T)-i-1]] Q=[] for i in range(len(molecule.Q)): Q+=[molecule.Q[len(molecule.Q)-i-1]] # interpolate the partition function for excitation_temperature from the # values provided by CDMS Z = interp(excitation_temperature, T, Q) print Z Z = 10 ** Z # change from log Z to Z return lte_column_density(, W, excitation_temperature, J, Z,
[docs]def calc_excitation_temperature(Tb, nu): """ Calculation of the excitation temperature of an optically thick 12CO line under the assumption of LTE. Parameters ---------- Tb: """ excitation_temperature = (const.h_CGS * nu)/const.k_CGS excitation_temperature *= ((log( 1 + (((const.k_CGS * Tb / const.h_CGS / nu) + (1 / (exp((const.h_CGS * nu)/(const.k_CGS*const.tBG)) - 1))) ** (-1)))) ** (-1)) return excitation_temperature