Source code for astrolyze.functions.units

# Copyright (C) 2012, Christof Buchbender
# BSD Licencse
import math

import astrolyze.functions.constants as const

# Constant conversion factors.
#==============> Approved !!! <==========================
WattToErgs    = 1e7  # 1W = 1e7 erg/s
ErgsToWatt    = 1e-7  # 1W = 1e-7 erg/s
JanskyToWatt  = 1e-26  # 1Jy = 1e-26 W/m2/Hz
WattToJansky  = 1e26  # 1W  = 1 Jy * m2 * Hz
ErgsToJansky_cm  = 1e23  # 1 erg/s =  1e23 Jy * cm2 * Hz * s
JanskyToErgs_cm  = 1e-23  # 1 Jy = 1e-23 erg/s/cm2/Hz
ErgsToJansky_m  = 1e19  # 1 erg/s = 1e-19 Jy * m2 * Hz * s
JanskyToErgs_m  = 1e-19  # 1 Jy = 1e-19 erg/s/m2/Hz
#==============> Approved !!! <==========================

[docs]def WmToKkms(x, resolution=0, sterad=False, ToKKms=False, m2_or_cm2='m', nu_or_lambda='nu'): ''' Conversion between W/m2 and K km/s. Parameters ---------- x : float wavelenght/frequency [GHZ]. resolution : float ToKKms : True or False Direction of the conversion. sterad : True or False If False convert from per beam to per sterad. m2_or_cm2 : string Choose if conversion to/from W m-2 oder W cm-2. ``'m2'`` or ``'cm2'``. Returns ------- factor : float The conversion factor. ''' # To W=Joule/s => Joule = 1e7 erg factor = 1 if m2_or_cm2 == 'cm2': factor = factor * 100 * 100 factor = factor * 1e7 # erg/m2/s factor = factor / 1e4 # erg/cm2/s if sterad == False: beamsr = 1.133 * (resolution * const.a2r) ** 2 factor = factor / beamsr # erg/cm2/s/sr if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': x = c/x # Umrechung zwischen ergs/s/cm2/sr = 2 k(CGS) nu^3/c(sm)^3 K km/s # => to make the units fit we have to multiply by 1*km in cm -> 1e5 # i.e. const.km_in_cm # converts from K - > ergs conversionFactor = (2 * k_CGS * x ** 3 * const.km_in_cm / (const.c_in_cm ** 3)) factor = factor / conversionFactor if ToKKms == True: return 1/factor if ToKKms == False: return factor
[docs]def ergToKkms(x, toErg=False, nu_or_lambda='nu'): r""" Conversion between ergs/cm2/s/sr and K km/s. Parameters ---------- x : float wavelenght/frequency [GHZ], toErg : True or False True converts the other direction, i.e. from K km/s to ergs/cm2/s/sr. nu_or_lambda : string Choose type of x: frequency = ``'nu'`` or wavelenght = ``'lambda'``. Returns ------- factor : float The conversion factor. Notes ----- Approved. """ # To W=Joule/s => Joule = 1e7 erg factor = 1 #print value if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': x = const.c / x # Conversion between erg/s/cm2/sr = 2k(CGS) nu^3/c(cm)^3 K km/s # k(CGS) is Boltzsmanns constant in units of the CGS, nu the frequency of # the measusrement # c(cm) is the speed of light in cm. # => to make the units fit we have to multiply by 1*km in cm -> 1e5 # i.e. const.km_in_cm # converts from K - > ergs conversionFactor = (2 * const.k_CGS * x ** 3 * const.km_in_cm / (const.c_in_cm **3)) factor = factor / conversionFactor if toErg == False: return factor if toErg == True: return 1 / factor
[docs]def Int2Lum(distance_in_pc, cm_or_m='cm'): r""" Conversion factor to calculate luminosity from intensities by integrating over the sky 4 pi Distance^2. Parameters ---------- distance_in_pc : float Distance to the source in parsecs. cm_or_m : string Choose wether the out put is in cm^2 = ``'cm'`` or in m^2 = ``'m'``. Notes ----- Approved. """ if cm_or_m == 'm': return 4 * math.pi * (distance_in_pc * const.parsec_in_m_1) ** 2 if cm_or_m == 'cm': return 4 * math.pi * ( distance_in_pc * const.parsec_in_cm) ** 2
[docs]def JyBToErgsB(input_flux, distance, wavelength, invert=False, map_use=False): r""" Conversion between Jy/beam and ergs/beam. Parameters ---------- input_flux : float Flux to be converted in Jy/beam distance : float Distance to the source in parsec. wavelength : float Wavelength :math:`\lambda` in :math:`\mu m`. map_use : Returns ------- The conversion factor (map_use = true) or the already converted flux (map_use = False). r""" # change from Jansky to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1 conversion = JanskyToErgs_cm # integrate over sky ergs s-1 Hz-1 conversion = conversion * Int2Lum(distance, cm_or_m='cm') # multiply by frequency conversion = conversion * const.c / (wavelength * 1e-6) if invert == False: if map_use == False: return input_flux * conversion if map_use == True: return conversion if invert == True: if map_use == False: return input_flux / conversion if map_use == True: return 1/conversion
[docs]def JyBToWM2Kpc2(input_flux, distance, major, minor, wavelength, invert=False, map_use=False): r""" Conversion between Jy/beam and W m^-2 kpc^-2 Parameters ---------- input_flux : float Flux to be converted. distance : float Distance to source in parsec. major : float Major Axis Beam (arcsec). minor : float Minor Axis Beam(arcsec). wavelength : float Wavelenght :math:`\lambda` in :math:`\mu m` invert : True or False Changes the direction of conversion. Returns ------- float : the converted Flux. """ # change to W/m2/Hz/beam conversion = JanskyToWatt # calculate the beamsize in kpc2 beamsize = 1.133 * (distance / 1e3) ** 2 * major * minor * const.a2r ** 2 beamsInKpc2 = 1 / beamsize conversion = conversion * beamsInKpc2 # change to W/m2/Hz/kpc2 conversion = conversion * const.c / (wavelength * 1e-6) # to W/m2/kpc2 if invert == False: return input_flux * conversion if invert == True: return input_flux / conversion
[docs]def JyBToWKpc2(input_flux, distance, major, minor, wavelength, invert=False, map_use=False): r""" Conversion from JyB to W kpc^-2. Parameters ---------- input_flux : float Flux to be converted. distance : float Distance to source in parsec. major : float Major Axis Beam (arcsec). minor : float Minor Axis Beam(arcsec). wavelength : float Wavelenght :math:`\lambda` in :math:`\mu m`. invert : True or False Changes the direction of conversion. Returns ------- float : the converted Flux. """ conversion = JanskyToWatt # change to W/m2/Hz/beam beamsize = (1.133 * (distance / 1e3) ** 2 * major * minor * const.a2r ** 2) # calculate the beamsize in kpc2. beamsInKpc2 = 1 / beamsize conversion = conversion * beamsInKpc2 # change to W/m2/Hz/kpc2 conversion = conversion * const.c / (wavelength * 1e-6) # change to # W/m2/kpc2 conversion = conversion * Int2Lum(distance, cm_or_m='m') # change to # W/kpc2 if not invert: return input_flux * conversion if invert: return input_flux / conversion # The following functions are redundant maps/ contains the # function flux_conversion, with the same functionality but with more # flexibility. This is however not usable outside of the maps environment. # The following functions can be used generally and are correct!!
[docs]def kelvin_to_jansky(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='nu'): """ Conversion from (Tmb) and Jy/beam. Parameters ---------- x : float wavelength/frequency [GHZ], major : float Major Axis Beam (arcsec), minor : float Minor Axis Beam(arcsec), nu_or_lambda : string Choose type of x: frequency = ``'nu'`` or wavelength = ``'lambda'``. Notes ----- This function has been compared with the Time estimator from the [GILDAS] package ASTRO and yields the same conversion factors. References ---------- .. [GILDAS] """ if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': def fcon(wavelengths, major, minor): return 1 / (1.359918e7 * wavelengths ** 2 / major / minor) if nu_or_lambda == 'nu': def fcon(frequency, major, minor): return 1 / (1.222233e6 * frequency ** (-2) / major / minor) return fcon(x, major, minor)
[docs]def jansky_to_kelvin(x, major, minor, nu_or_lambda='nu'): """ Conversion from Jy/beam to (Tmb). Parameters ---------- x : float wavelength/frequency [GHZ], major : float Major Axis Beam (arcsec). minor : float Minor Axis Beam(arcsec). nu_or_lambda : string Choose type of x: frequency = ``'nu'`` or wavelength = ``'lambda'``. Notes ----- Same as :func:`kelvin_to_jansky` """ if nu_or_lambda == 'lambda': def fcon(wavelengths, major, minor): return 1.359918e7 * wavelengths **2 / major / minor if nu_or_lambda == 'nu': def fcon(frequency, Maj, Min): return 1.222233e6 * frequency ** (-2) / major / minor return fcon(x, major, minor)